The CrudeCalculatorofCalculations is a simple test software, made by me (SudoNotNoted2007). I wanted to put my newbie C++ skills to the test, and that resulted in this application.
Simply, as the name suggests; it's a really crudely made calculator. The code is very overcomplicated because I still need to learn more C++, lol. Head over to the releases to find the latest version. I will update this software accordingly overtime during my C++ learning journey.
Well, I don't understand an MIT license much but, that. Just credit SudoNotNoted2007 if this software is edited, that's about it.
Choose between 1, 2 or 3 (eventually a 4th one, if I feel like it) from the on-screen prompt and press enter. Follow on-screen instructions and uhh, yeah! The program calculates once, and then requires a number or letter and the enter button to close.