SuffolkLITLab / RateMyPDF

RateMyPDF is a website that helps paper form authors (particularly for court forms) improve the usability of their forms for self-represented litigants. It uses the FormFyxer library to deliver its insights.
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Make it possible to self-host without use of external APIs #34

Open nonprofittechy opened 4 months ago

nonprofittechy commented 4 months ago

We heard from a bankruptcy court IT team recently that they'd like to use RateMyPDF, but they were concerned about data from the forms going to an outside entity.

These are the external dependencies of RateMyPDF right now:

  1. GPT 3.5, to summarize the form and suggest a plain language name (this should be optional)
  2. Suffolk's SPOT API to classify the form's topic, again, this should be optional
  3. which is a core service. This has the classifier model used inside FormFyxer. We separated this out because it was getting challenging to run the model--something with cardinality of the model version with a Spacy upgrade? Perhaps we can bundle this up as a separate Docker image so it can run next to the engine.

I'd also like to understand more about why courts would be restricted from sending blank court forms to our web page, but this came directly as a request from someone in the court's IT department, so may not be something we can change.