SuffolkLITLab / RateMyPDF

RateMyPDF is a website that helps paper form authors (particularly for court forms) improve the usability of their forms for self-represented litigants. It uses the FormFyxer library to deliver its insights.
MIT License
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complexity-analysis forms pdf plainlanguage readability


RateMyPDF is a website that helps paper form authors (particularly for court forms) improve the usability of their forms for self-represented litigants. It uses the FormFyxer library to deliver its insights.

The first version of this website ran on Flask. This repository replaces it with a version on FastAPI.

It has been described in a paper published in the proceedings of ICAIL '23. You can view it here.

Running locally

Install requirements:

Start redis queue to handle incoming jobs

cd ~/RateMyPDF/app
rq worker

Start the fastapi app, setting the redis URL to localhost

cd ~/RateMyPDF/app
REDIS_URL=redis://localhost:6379 python

The site should now be available at http://localhost:8000

Starting in Docker

Copy the .env.example file to .env

Fill in the missing values with the appropriate domain name, key, etc.

Access to the spot and tools tokens is available only by contacting

Preferred citation format

Please cite this repository as follows:

Quinten Steenhuis, Bryce Willey, and David Colarusso. 2023. Beyond Readability with RateMyPDF: A Combined Rule-based and Machine Learning Approach to Improving Court Forms. In Proceedings of International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law (ICAIL 2023). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 10 pages.

Bibtex format:

@article{Steenhuis_Willey_Colarusso_2023, title={Beyond Readability with RateMyPDF: A Combined Rule-based and Machine Learning Approach to Improving Court Forms}, DOI={}, journal={Proceedings of International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law (ICAIL 2023)}, author={Steenhuis, Quinten and Willey, Bryce and Colarusso, David}, year={2023}, pages={287–296}}