Sultan-QA / pnpm-monosample2

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This is a monorepo sample using pnpm while a bit overloaded with packages it shows you how easy is to create a monorepo setup with pnpm

Each of the packages (packages/**) has it's own readme to explain how to work inside that specific package


first install pnpm

then run

after that you should be able to lift any of the applications you can check package.json on the root to see available commands

these run the nestjs backend with Aurelia, Vue or Angular (respectively).

To run a command from a specific package.json, use pnpm's filter commands

that will run the dev command in the @monosample/api1 package which resides in packages/api1/package.json, another example would be

that will run the serve command in the @monosample/website2 package which resides in packages/website2/package.json

Root Setup

The following structure is used in this sample

|- package.json
|- .npmrc
|- pnpm-workspace.yaml
|- packages
    |- api1
    |- api2
    |- lib
    |- website1
    |- website2
    |- website3

Important Notes:

  1. inside .npmrc please use shared-workspace-lockfile=false, this allows us to take advantage of pnpm 4.0.0+ package hoisting
  2. inside pnpm-workspace.yaml we setup the actual structure that will be followed by pnpm please refer to pnpm docs
  3. If you are using webpack in one of your packages please set { resolve: { symlinks: false } } this will prevent issues with webpack trying to locate the shared library packages (like packages/lib)
  4. Not required, but recommended to use scoped package names in your projects to prevent name collisions example. packages/lib/package.json
     "name": "@monosample/lib",
     "version": "1.0.0",
     "private": true,
    // packages/api1/package.json
     "dependencies" : {
       "winston": "3.2.1",
       "@monosample/lib": "1.0.0"
  5. try to use npm scripts on your packages to simplify development | deployment | builds
     "scripts": {
       "build:lib": "pnpm run build --filter @monosample/lib",
       "build:lib:watch": "pnpm run build:watch --filter @monosample/lib",

    that way it's easier to keep on your root (pnpm run build:lib) terminal instead having a terminal open for each package. If it ever becomes too messy, remember you can always put javascript files on your root and use any utility library inside your scripts

  6. Messy dependencies, if you are using a dependency that for some reason does not mark a dependency of itself in it's package.json but requires it because it's available on node_modules you might have trouble with tools like webpack trying to locate that package and it somehow "doesn't exist", you can always require that package manually but if you are starting to have a lot of issues with dependencies create an .npmrc file on your project and add the following line shamefully-hoist=true like in packages/website1/.npmrc or packages/website2/.npmrc this will make pnpm recreate a similar structure as npm's/yarn's normal flat structure, you can find more information here: