Summoning Wars is an open source role-playing game originally by these wonderful people fusion45, kalimgard, mpreisler, wuha at as well as the contributors listed on the
Summoning Wars is an open source role-playing game, featuring both a single-player and a multiplayer mode for about 2 to 8 players. It is available and proved to work for Windows, Mac OS X and GNU/Linux operating systems, although it might as well work in BSD and similar operating systems.
Summoning Wars is free software released under GNU General Public License version 3 or later (GPLv3+), which means that you can freely use, copy and modify the software. Please see LICENSE file for more information about its license, and for copyright holders. To view a full list of all dependencies and their licenses used see If there's a dependencies being used missing from the list feel free to make an issue, or a pull request.
If you find something you think you can improve on in our code, please make a pull request. If you find any bugs or want to request a feature to be added, feel free to create an issue or say something in our Discord.
If you're addition is denied we will try out best to give you a reason behind our decision.
Following libraries are required to build Summoning Wars:
If you are lucky, all libs may be installed via package manager (apt-get, yum, emerge, pacman, ...). Have a look at the "OS dependant install" section below.
After installing all required libraries type:
sudo make install
Currently, there is no make install, so you have to start the game in the directory where you compiled it.
Ogre 1.7 and CEGUI 0.7 are not included in the standard repositories yet. But you may get them from this additional repo:
To install all needed dependencies enter the following command into the terminal:
sudo apt-get install libogre-dev libcegui-dev libois-dev libalut-dev liblua5.1-0-dev libopenal-dev libvorbis-dev libfreeimage-dev libphysfs-dev
Then follow the "General Instructions" section above to install the game.
Problem: Rendering does not work under Windows:
Solution: Try replacing ogre.cfg by this (omit the last and the first line of course):
(Begin of ogre.cfg)
Render System=Direct3D9 Rendering Subsystem
[Direct3D9 Rendering Subsystem]
Full Screen=No
Video Mode=1024 x 768 @ 32-bit colour
(End of ogre.cfg9)