SumoLogic / sumologic-gsuitealertcenter

Collection for G Suite Alert Center
Apache License 2.0
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Solution to pull alerts from G Suite Alert Center to Sumo Logic

Deprecation Notice

This legacy solution to pull logs from Alert Center to Sumo Logic has been replaced with a dedicated Cloud-to-Cloud Integration Framework source. We recommend customers use the Duo Cloud-to-Cloud source instead of this legacy Python collection method. Google Workspace AlertCenter Source


This collector can be deployed both onprem and on cloud(google cloud functions). For installing the collector as a serverless solution refer these docs

Deploying the collector on a VM

  1. Setup the Alert Center API by referring to the following docs. Here while creating key in service account make a note of the location of Service Account JSON file that has been downloaded in your computer you will need it later.

  2. Add a Hosted Collector and HTTP Source

    • To create a new Sumo Logic Hosted Collector, perform the steps in Configure a Hosted Collector.
    • Add an HTTP Logs and Metrics Source. Under Advanced you'll see options regarding timestamps and time zones and when you select Timestamp parsing specify the custom time stamp format as shown below:
      • Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'
      • Timestamp locator: \"createTime\": (.*),.
  3. Configuring the sumologic-gsuitealertcenter collector

    Below instructions assume pip is already installed if not then, see the pip docs on how to download and install pip. sumologic-gsuitealertcenter is compatible with python 3.7 and python 2.7. It has been tested on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS and Debian 4.9.130. Login to a Linux machine and download and follow the below steps:

    • Install the collector using below command pip install sumologic-gsuitealertcenter

    • Create a configuration file named gsuitealertcenter.yaml in home directory by copying the below snippet. Add the SUMO_ENDPOINT, CREDENTIALS_FILEPATH(downloaded in step 1) and DELEGATED_EMAIL parameters obtained from step 1 and step 2 and save it.

      DELEGATED_EMAIL: "<use the default email address>"
      CREDENTIALS_FILEPATH: "<path to json Service Accouont JSON file>"
      ENVIRONMENT: onprem
    • Create a cron job for running the collector every 5 minutes by using the crontab -e and adding the below line */5 * * * * /usr/bin/python -m sumogsuitealertscollector.main > /dev/null 2>&1