SunHao95 / PHBS_TQFML-StockIndex-Wavelet-Transformation-ARIMA-ML-Model

PHBS 2018 Machine Learning Class Project
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StockIndex Prediction Based on Wavelet Transformation ARIMA-ML Model


Figure 2. Wavelet Decomposition Tree

Finding appropriate values of p and q in the ARMA(p,q) model can be facilitated by plotting the partial autocorrelation functions for an estimate of p, and likewise using the autocorrelation functions for an estimate of q. Further information can be gleaned by considering the same functions for the residuals of a model fitted with an initial selection of p and q. Brockwell & Davis recommend using AICc for finding p and q

Data & Prediction

The datas selected are the daily stock index data of 000300.SH representing the large-cap stocks and 000905.SH representing medium-and-small-cap stocks, including,

Model ev mae mse r2
GBR_Model 0.084507 30.393337 1426.833774 0.046767
SVR_Model -0.246318 51.662584 4424.650770 -0.658574
GBR_SVR_Model -0.272351 31.929540 1403.899401 -0.441158

Motivation & References

Stock index, as time series, inspires a lot of research to implement the forecast both in academic area and financial departments. Generally speaking, the main methods used to do prediction are time-series analysis and machine learning models. Some of the research reports and papers have presented good ideas to predict stock index by means of combined_models, such as TS & ML models. Some even use some data processing methods like Wavelet Transformation to make the data properties more suitable to different predictin models. All the reference papers and research reports have been uploaded in the reference folder.


Unfortunately, it seems that none of the model has good prediction power, because the ev and r2 are so small and even negative, which indicate that stock prices cannot be predicted exactly! However, the "noisy" data processing methods and time-series analysis model as well as nonlinear machine learning regression model can serve as some useful tools to do further research in other fields.