Sunlis / slavedriver

Slack Bot for the ED Aisling community
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Slack Bot for the ED Aisling community


To run locally:

  1. Install node.js
  2. Install project dependencies
    • npm install
    • This installs a few things, namely:
      • botkit - A nice wrapper for Slack message interaction (+ bonus conversational magic) (Github)
      • googleapis - The official JS Google API wrapper, which is used to talk with Google Drive. (Github)
      • google-spreadsheet - A nodeJS library for interacting with Google Sheets. (Github)
  3. Create a tokens.js file.

    • This file will contain the API key for Slack (you'll get one in the next step).
    • Sample tokens.js:
      var tokens = {
      slack: '123abc'

    module.exports = tokens;

    - You'll fill that token with a real API token in a few steps.
  4. Make a Slack team for yourself -
  5. Create a bot for that Slack team -
    • You'll get an API token. Paste that into your tokens.js as your slack token.
  6. Get a drive_auth.json file for server OAuth.
  7. Briefly hesitate, unsure about whether you did all of the steps. Decide to move on anyway.
  8. Run node main.js
  9. Success?
  10. Bug Sunlis about that thing that's breaking because of the step that he forgot to include.

A note on tokens.js and drive_auth.json

This is to keep any API keys and "sensitive data" out of the repo (tokens.js and drive_auth.json are both ignored in .gitignore, so you can't accidentally check them in). This is for security reasons, because I don't want random Github browsers to be able to access my Slack teams and Google APIs.