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Faction balance discussion #1676

Closed kelno closed 4 years ago

kelno commented 4 years ago

Here is our first draft: Website article link

We're open to changes and opinions. You can use this thread to tell us what you think, what you would want do see added/removed, or what could be improved!

yolohse commented 4 years ago

I wish devs would just post stats over the win % in all BGs so you could see that it is probably 50/50. On all servers I have been on hordes win all the time and here it is no different in the BGs I'm in. I think I have seen ally win 2 and they were won because hordes were only 5 man. I don't do much pvp but I mean i can see what happens in all the BGs I'm in. All the ABs i have been in ally lost to a five cap in 3 minutes, not even a close call, so clearly hordes can compete. The EoTS i was in we also got 4 capped everytime due to only 5 ally signing up. The difference on this server is, that here Ally has a bit better gear, but still all the players who is try hard in pvp and use proper tactics are hordes so that makes up for the gear easy.

I know ithis is not all BGs but im just trying to give you somme perspective. It is the same on both sides

holyman2k commented 4 years ago

I think it's time to make both sides to have the same xp rate and rebalance the factions. Horde population is always greater than the alliance most time of the day now.

Chris15751 commented 4 years ago

Alliance have had 12 years of getting their shit pushed in on retail and private servers and you horde cant take a few months of getting your shit pushed in? Whats wrong guys? Horde have had the upper hand in PVE and PVP for 12 years and you people are complaining about losing a few games?

Try playing the faction that actually has the game on hardmode, or can you not handle the challenge?

Holycrapz commented 4 years ago

Nice job. Now Horde lose 99% of BGs cause ALWAYS in minority

yolohse commented 4 years ago

Hahaha are you beyond stupid??? Horde are the majority on this server like all other TBC servers. image

elche8 commented 4 years ago

Hahaha are you beyond stupid??? Horde are the majority on this server like all other TBC servers. image

dude ... You are so stupid. A lot of people says we are in minority in a lot of bg and you just screen about the faction balance in a day ? it's useless to speak with you now. You're just so dumb.

Chris15751 commented 4 years ago

S2 has begun majority of Alliance games have been 9/10 losses, 6v15 game comps. What a difference a few days can make, its okay though guys alliance have Seal of Blood we got this. Faction balance and being outnumbered wont matter when horde get hit with blood seal and die instantly.

Holycrapz commented 4 years ago

Hahaha are you beyond stupid??? Horde are the majority on this server like all other TBC servers. image

PvE Is not PvP... (drop mic.)

yolohse commented 4 years ago

I would love any tangible evidence that the percentage of PvP'ers on Alliance should be different from the percentage on the Horde side. Also would be nice with some actual evidence proving Ally have a higher win percentage than Horde. But it is of course easier to go to a forum and whine when you had a bad streak than to actually prove there is a problem

Valimist commented 4 years ago

It's my first week playing BG's and this is really dissapointing. Almost everytime alliance is at disadvantage. Boring to join a BG and it's automatically lost before the start.



Chris15751 commented 4 years ago

This looks painfully accurate.

scarba12345 commented 4 years ago



Like many other people b4 me I would also like to adress the problem regarding faction balance.

In 2 days Ive played around 35-40 BGs (eots wg etc...) in all of those bgs Ive won only 2. From what Ive noticed the Alliance is so far behind (regarding gear) that most people just go afk and/or refuse to even participate. I think in a few cases (wsg) we had a horde player on the alliance side who went afk the whole time, while we were winning 2-0 then he just stoped being afk grabbed the opposide factions flag so none of us can get it and run straight into hordes (we lost the bg btw). Reporting him didn t do anything (i think once reported by a number of x players that person should be kicked of of the bg )

I have the feeling that many people feel the same in regards to PVP, maybe most of them dont have the time to Raid, their scheduel dont sinc up or they just to kick back do some bg-s and have some fun, however this is not the case and there is no fun fasting at least 10 mins to lose a bg and to gear up only from loses .

Edit: still 2 wins in 60 bgs.