SuperNEMO Starter Kit
Documentation and examples for getting started with the SuperNEMO software.
Will initially reuse existing tutorials and examples, maybe use the LHCb StarterKit
lessons as a template (see also and
Here's a list of possible things to include. Might need to be pared down depending on how much time we can get during the meeting itself - we should set priorities.
Mastering falaise
- Basic use of Falaise (flsimulate and flreconstruct) - updated version of Ben's Warwick workshop.
- Standard configurations. For flsimulate, I mean explaining the event generator/vertex combinations for our signal and main backgrounds. For example, when and why we use source_pads_internal vs source_pads, what vertex/event combination corresponds to radon depositing bismuth on tracker wires etc.
- Similarly, we should explain the standard flreconstruct pipeline file, and when and how you might or might not need to configure it.
- To do that we need a basic explanation of databanks and what CAT, track fit etc do, which I think @drbenmorgan already has? Otherwise Cheryl can look at writing slides or something to give a quick explanation.
- We should introduce standard reconstruction modules, by which I mean at least alpha finder and gamma tracking.
- If we have time, I'd like them to run Things2ROOT, PTD2root, & SensitivityModule and see the difference in the outputs. We should also get them running the validation tool, possibly on the standard reconstruction validation module, but see the next point I'm going to make.
- We should get them to make their own module. My suggestion is to use the reconstruction validation module as a starting point (or a pared-down version of it). Reason for this is that it will also teach them how to make an output in the format that the validation tool can understand.
- Running falaise software in the singularity container
- Running batch jobs (including sample scripts)
- Where to write to (this might be more a matter of setting policy than sorting out any software stuff)
- What's in MCC2 and how to access it
- Anything we want to say about requesting more official MC
Commissioning data
- Where it is on CCLyon
- How to access it (at the moment everyone is working from the CRD files but that shouldn't be the case in the long term, should it?)
- Get the I/O Library Reader + Data Structures in place (BM)
- iRods/xrootd access?
- How to interpret it (remembering that many people will not know what a PMT signal looks like, so we could do with a basic intro to the physics).
Analysis techniques
CP: I suspect we will not have time to do this at the collaboration meeting, but I am going to list these ideas because we could possibly put together some small training packages for the future, for people to look at in their own time. The idea I have in mind is small toy analyses of a small sample of simulation, for people to build up a bit at a time, maybe with some questions and answers to think about. Things like:
- Making cuts/calculating a reconstruction efficiency
- Calculating a sensitivity for a given exposure
- Very basic BDT to separate signal from background
BM: Technology-wise, could be useful to look at RDataFrame, with tutorials in the ROOT docs. Current and future supported ROOT in Falaise (6.14/6.16) already have these I think.