Supergiovane / KNXUltimate

KNX IP Protocol implementation for node.js
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Control your KNX intallation via Node.js!

This is the official engine of Node-Red's node node-red-contrib-knx-ultimate

Many of you asked for a node.js release of that engine, so i decided to create this package.

If you enjoy my work developing this package, do today a kind thing for someone too. This will be the reward for my work.



Technology Supported
KNX Tunnelling
KNX Routing
KNX Secure Tunnelling
KNX Secure Routing


These are the properties to be passed to the connection as a JSON object {} (see the knxUltimateClientProperties variable in the exsamples)

Property Description
ipAddr (string) The IP of your KNX router/interface (for Routers, use "")
hostProtocol (string) "Multicast" if you're connecting to a KNX Router. "TunnelUDP" for KNX Interfaces, or "TunnelTCP" for secure KNX Interfaces (KNX Secure is not yet implemented)
ipPort (string) The port, default is "3671"
physAddr (string) The physical address to be identified in the KNX bus
suppress_ack_ldatareq (bool) Avoid sending/receive the ACK telegram. Leave false. If you encounter issues with old interface, set it to true
loglevel (string) The log level 'disable', 'error', 'warn', 'info', 'debug'
isSecureKNXEnabled (bool) True: Enables the secure connection. Leave false until KNX-Secure has been released.
jKNXSecureKeyring (string) Optional. ETS Keyring JSON file content. Leave blank until KNX-Secure has been released.
localIPAddress (string) Optional. The local IP address to be used to connect to the KNX/IP Bus. Leave blank, will be automatically filled by KNXUltimate
interface (string) Optional. Specifies the local eth interface to be used to connect to the KNX Bus.
KNXQueueSendIntervalMilliseconds Optional. The KNX standard has a maximum transmit rate to the BUS, of about 1 telegram each 25ms (to stay safe). In case you've a lot of traffic on the BUS, you can increase this value, expressed in milliseconds. Be careful, because if you set it too high, the KNX engine could send a telegram with flag 'repeat', because the ACK from the device is coming too late.


For each Datapoint, there is a sample on how to format the payload (telegram) to be passed.

For example, pass a true for datapoint "1.001", or { red: 125, green: 0, blue: 0 } for datapoint "232.600".

It support a massive number of Datapoints. Please run the examples/showDatapoints.ts file to view all datapoints in the output console.

Be aware, that the descriptions you'll see, are taken from Node-Red KNX-Ultimate node, so there is more code than you need here. Please take only the msg.payload part in consideration.

You should see something like this in the console window (the msg.payload is what you need to pass as payload):


Method Description
.Connect() Connects to the KNX Gateway
.Disconnect() Gracefully disconnects from the KNX Gateway
.write (GA, payload, datapoint) Sends a WRITE telegram to the BUS. GA is the group address (for example "0/0/1"), payload is the value you want to send (for example true), datapoint is a string representing the datapoint (for example "5.001")
.writeRaw (GA, payload, datapoint) Sends a WRITE telegram to the BUS. GA is the group address (for example "0/0/1"), payload is the buffer you want to send, datapoint is a string representing the datapoint (for example "5.001")
.respond (GA, payload, datapoint) Sends a RESPONSE telegram to the BUS. GA is the group address (for example "0/0/1"), payload is the value you want to send (for example true), datapoint is a string representing the datapoint (for example "5.001")
.read (GA) Sends a READ telegram to the BUS. GA is the group address (for example "0/0/1").
Property Description
.isConnected() Returns true if you the client is connected to the KNX Gateway Router/Interface, false if not connected.
.clearToSend true if you can send a telegram, false if the client is still waiting for the last telegram's ACK or whenever the client cannot temporary send the telegram. In tunneling mode, you could also refer to the event KNXClientEvents.ackReceived, that is fired everytime a telegram has been succesfully acknowledge or not acknowledge. See the sample.js file.
.channelID The actual Channel ID. Only defined after a successfull connection


List of events raised by KNXultimate, in proper order. For the signatures, please see the examples folder.

Event Description
connecting KNXUltimate is connecting to the KNX/IP Gateway. Please wait for the connected event to start sending KNX telegrams.
connected KNXUltimate has successfully connected with the KNX/IP Gateway.
indication KNXUltimate has received a KNX telegram, that's avaiable in te the datagram variable. Please see the examples.
ackReceived Ack telegram from KNX/IP Gateway has been received. This confirms that the telegram sent by KNXUltimate has reached the KNX/IP Gateway successfully.
disconnected The KNX connection has been disconnected.
close The main KNXUltimate socket has been closed.
error KNXUltimate has raised an error. The error description is provided as well.


Decoding is very simple.

Just require the dptlib and use it to decode the RAW telegram

import { dptlib } from "knxultimate";
let dpt = dptlib.resolve("1.001");
let jsValue = dptlib.fromBuffer(RAW VALUE (SEE SAMPLES), dpt); // THIS IS THE DECODED VALUE


You can find all examples in the examples folder:


If you want to help us in this project, you're wellcome!

Please refer to the development page.


Why not to try Node-Red and the awesome KNX-Ultimate node ?
