Surabhivj / BRANEnet

Embedding Multilayer Networks for Omics Data Integration
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Inter-omics networks #1

Open Sbs12 opened 10 months ago

Sbs12 commented 10 months ago

Inter-omics networks link bio-molecules of different types. They are constructed using biological a priori information showing presence of TF binding sites or H4K12ac epigenetic marks in the promoter of gene, biochemical reactions within genes and metabolites. This information can be acquired from various bioinformatics databases such as SGD [31], YEASTRACT (Yeast Search for Transcriptional Regulators And Consensus Tracking) [32]), YeastPathways [31], and BioCyc [33]. This a priori knowledge bridges the gap to relate two different omics types, for instance gene-metabolite, TF-target, gene-epigenetic mark. For each differentially expressed bio-molecule of one type (e.g., gene), we obtained its relationship with an bio-molecule of another type (e.g., TF and metabolite). 您好!我想请教一下,您是通过什么方法将组学间网络将不同类型的生物分子连接起来(它们是利用生物学上的先验信息构建的),或者是什么工具构建的组学间网络。谢谢!

Surabhivj commented 9 months ago

Hi! The inter-omics networks are constructed using the biological prior information. For instance, genes and epigenetic marks are connected using the genome location. If the peak in the epigenetic data is on the same location as gene A (including promoter, -1000bp), In the network the epigenetic mark will be connected to gene A. Similarly, if the gene and the metabolite belong to the same metabolic pathway, they are connected by an edge.