Sushantgodase10 / Sushant-World

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cilck to visit web site

Window + Alt + r = video record

1 Project git push

3 Dependencie Package

Server Host


what is npm ? => npm does have a full from but npm not a node pakage manager , npm manage a pakage but does not stand node pakages manager


What is this CORS policy ?

-> Are browser blocker to calling api from one origin to different origin , if there is origin mismatch the browser block this api call that is a cors policy.

2 type of Routing in web apps

Why it's Single page Application => it just one just componenet it's changes

=> now i'am import my useEffect form react library(this a name imported) so spik vluve code,and the we have useEffect hooks over here which have 2 argument 1) 1 st is callback funcations and
2) 2 ed it is a offional argument keep emty what happen .if have don't any Dependencie array over here than this useEffect we call every time my component render, do have meak every time my api call render it's no no it's fu lesh , i just have do it ones and initial remnder i will just use a emty Dependencie array

what is the life cycle of this react component

Who this component put up in the webpage

who this component loaded in the webpage (we use the words mounted)

When will be useEffect is call/ When will fuction will we called ?


Code Splitting

Dynamic Bundling

Ui library

What is higher order components?

Redux- Toolkit

What is Unit Testing

What is Integration Testing?