Suwi-inc / LBS-server

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Installation Guide

Step 1: Clone the github repo

git clone
cd LBS-server

Step 2: Create a .env file in the root of the project and decide which option is more appropriate

There are 2 entites that the product consists of: python web API and postgreSQL DBMS. There are also 3 options to set the environment up:

  1. Using docker for both entities
  2. Using docker for web API, db is hosted somewhere else
  3. No docker, python server and postgres are installed locally

The env file:

# for all cases
DATABASE_USER={the user of the db}
DATABASE_PASSWORD={the user's password}
DATABASE_LBS_NAME={main database name}
DATABASE_LOGGER_NAME={logger database name}
SECRET_KEY={secret key}

# for the 1-st case
DATABASE_HOST_LOCAL_DOCKER={the name of the postgres container}
DATABASE_PORT_LOCAL_DOCKER={the inner port of the postgres container}

# for the 2-nd case
DATABASE_HOST_REMOTE={the ip of the remote server}

# for the 3-rd case
DATABASE_HOST_LOCAL_NATIVE={the name of the postgres installed locally (no docker)}

Case 1 and 2

Step 3: Install Docker

Step 4: Choose the appropriate option in docker-compose.yml lbs service environment section

Step 5: Run docker compose

docker compose up --build -d

Step 6: Restore the databases using the dumps (via pgAdmin is fast)

Case 3

Step 3: Install Python

Step 4: Install PostgreSQL

Step 5: Restore the databases using the dumps (via pgAdmin is fast)

Step 6: Run the app

cd LBS
poetry run flask --app app run --host=