SuzanneSoy / scribble-math

Integration of MathJax, KaTeX and Asymptote with scribble, to typeset math in Racket documentation
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This library allows typesetting math and Asymptote figures in Scribble documents.


To install this package, use raco:

raco pkg install --deps search-auto scribble-math


See the online documentation for more information about the math syntax and the functionality of this library.

Usage example

The syntax used for mathematical formulas is a subset of the one used by LaTeX.

#lang scribble/manual


@title[#:style (with-html5 manual-doc-style)]{Example}

The derivative of @${x^2} is @${2x}. Complex formulas
look best when typeset in display mode:

@$${\sum_{i=0}^n x_i^3}