Suzhou-Tongyuan / jnumpy

Writing Python C extensions in Julia within 5 minutes.
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search fast julia pkg server #39

Closed songjhaha closed 2 years ago

songjhaha commented 2 years ago

Implement in python Works like:

In [1]: import jnumpy as np

In [2]: %time np.utils.registry_response_time()
CPU times: user 93.9 ms, sys: 20.9 ms, total: 115 ms
Wall time: 1.06 s
{'': 0.385467529296875,
 '': 0.7986209392547607,
 '': 0.6467490196228027,
 '': 0.4409325122833252,
 '': 0.3874180316925049,
 '': 0.6435022354125977,
 '': inf,
 '': 0.3986549377441406}

In [3]: %time np.utils.get_fast_mirror()
CPU times: user 86.6 ms, sys: 16.7 ms, total: 103 ms
Wall time: 1.07 s
Out[3]: ''

And set_julia_mirror(server) can set custom server url manually, or leave it empty to auto search fast server with get_fast_mirror()