Suzhou-Tongyuan / jnumpy

Writing Python C extensions in Julia within 5 minutes.
MIT License
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JNumPy: writing high-performance C extensions for Python in minutes

Install JNumPy


You can install the Python package jnumpy with the following command:

pip install julia-numpy.

Note that JNumPy will install julia in JNUMPY_HOME for you, if there is no Julia installation available.


  1. create a Python package example, write and export julia functions in the file example/src/example.jl

    module example
    using TyPython
    using TyPython.CPython
    @export_py function mat_mul(a::AbstractArray, b::AbstractArray)::Array
        return a * b
    function init()
        @export_pymodule _example begin
            jl_mat_mul = Pyfunc(mat_mul)
    # the following code is optional,
    # but makes Python code loading much faster since the second time.
    precompile(init, ())
  2. create example/Project.toml as follows:

    name = "example"  # this is required to find the julia's entry module
    # specify your julia dependencies here
  3. initialize and import the julia functions at example/

    import jnumpy as np
    # you may call np.set_julia_mirror(server) to set the julia package server,
    # or leave the argument server empty to automatically search the nearest mirror.
    from _example import jl_mat_mul
    __all__ = ['jl_mat_mul']
  4. enjoy your Python extension package:

    This is the structure of your Python extension package:

    > ls -R
    example/:  Project.toml  src

    This is how you use it:

    from example import jl_mat_mul
    x = np.array([[1,2],[3,4]])
    y = np.array([[4,3],[2,1]])
    jl_mat_mul(x, y)
    # array([[ 8,  5],
    #       [20, 13]])

Environment Variables


There are several examples presented in the demo directory. Those examples are standalone Python packages created using JNumPy, and can be imported if you have JNumPy installed.


Open-source contributions are kindly accepted and appreciated including bug reports, documentations, pull requests, and general suggestions.