SvarDOS / edrdos

fork of the EDR-DOS kernel and command interpreter
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dos dr-dos kernel

Enhanced DR-DOS Kernel fork

Build instructions

Building the kernel is currently supported under a MS-DOS compatible operating system. The following tools are required:

To build DRBIO.SYS, DRDOS.SYS and COMMAND.COM, invoke wmake from within their sub-directories. The output files are written to the BIN directory of the component, like DRBIO\BIN\DRBIO.SYS.

You may consider using FreeCOM or another command interpreter like 4DOS or SvarCOM instead of COMMAND.COM.

Kernel installation

To install the kernel you may use a custom build of the FreeDOS SYS command, which is part of the FreeDOS Kernel repository. A pre-built binary is provided under the name DRSYS.COM with the binary releases on this site, along with more detailed installation instructions.