SveDec / Mattermost-Yunohost-LDAP

Mattermost LDAP integration into YunoHost
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Mattermost LDAP integration into YunoHost

This bash script allows you to use your YunoHost accounts in Mattermost on a YunoHost server. If you don't have YunoHost, please consult the guide to learn how to install it.


The Mattermost Team Edition does not include a native LDAP feature. This subject is discussed here.

Fortunately, GitHub user Crivaledaz developed a module that uses the Gitlab SSO feature to provide a bridge between YunoHost users and Mattermost TE.

Script description

This bash script allows automatic integration of this module into an existing YunoHost environment.

It installs a new Custom Webapp for YunoHost that will be the OAuth servern and then follows the module installation instructions, doing just a few minor modifications.


This script should adapt to your YunoHost environment, but it has only been tested successfully on ONE YunoHost 11.1 installation, and without the benefit of hindsight : it may not be ready for a critical production environment. Use at your own risks.