Swaeg / swaeg-regger

Party-goers registering application
MIT License
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A party attendee registering application for party organizers. The app is simple one form app where attendees can register their name and email and optionally register to a mailing list. Organizers can dump the attendees to a csv-file to use in mailchimp etc.


* Make sure you have php5-sqlite installed on your server (E.g. sudo apt-get install php5-sqlite)
* Git clone the repository
* Run the command: php composer.phar install
* Run the command: ./regger init
* Make sure your web server can read and write the /db/-directory and the newly created app.db
* Edit config/config.php and set your invitation limit and other options.
* Point your web server to web/index.php

Command line tools

This application contains some command line tools to help with managing.
The command line executable is named regger.

Commands implemented:
* regger init   
    Creates a new database in the /db-folder. Does create a new one if it exists already -> use reset for this.
* regger reset
    Drops all tables from the database and creates fresh ones.
* regger csv
    Dumps the database to a csv-file in the projects root named 'registered.csv'


Run unit tests with 'phpunit'


Make sure your web server is configured correctly. More info http://silex.sensiolabs.org/doc/web_servers.html