Swanson-Hysell-Group / 2015_Umkondo_Pole

Repository accompanying Swanson-Hysell et al., 2015b study on the Umkondo LIP
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A new grand mean paleomagnetic pole for the 1.11 Ga Umkondo Large Igneous Province with implications for paleogeography and the geomagnetic field.

This repository contains materials associated with a manuscript focused on the paleomagnetism of the Umkondo Large Igneous Province that was published in Geophysical Journal International.

Swanson-Hysell, N.L., Kilian, T.K., and Hanson, R.H. A new grand mean paleomagnetic pole for the Umkondo Large Igneous Province with implications for paleogeography and the geomagnetic field. Geophysical Journal International, (2015), doi:10.1093/gji/ggv402. open access archive | link to journal page

Within this Github repository are the following folders:


This folder contains two Jupyter/IPython notebook files that contain the data analysis used for the paper. The folder also contains non-standard function modules containing paleomagnetism focused functions which are necessary to run the code within the notebook.

To run the code in the notebook it is necessary to both download the code from the Github repository and have an installed Python distribution that includes IPython and the other standard scientific python libraries (http://www.scipy.org/). There are good instructions for installing IPython/Jupyter here: http://ipython.org/install.html. Alternatively you can view the notebooks online with the Jupyter nbviewer at these links:


This folder contains the data from this study and that from previous work that are imported into the Jupyter/IPython notebooks and utilized in the analysis.


This folder contains reconstruction files put together using the GPlates software package (http://www.gplates.org) along with videos of the two reconstruction interpretations that are described in the manuscript (Figure 4). These videos can't be viewed on Github, but are hosted and availible for viewing here: http://www.swanson-hysell.org/research/umkondo-lip/


This folder contains the text of the paper and the figure files. The LaTEX source is included as are the output PDF files. These PDF files can be viewed within Github using the first link or downloaded using the second link: