All Eval Kit and additional information can be found in the Eval Kit Quickstart Guide or in our Developer Tools.
Simple code examples can be found in the Examples folder
Swarm Pass Checker\ Swarm Eval Kit Quickstart Video\ Activating your Swarm M138 Modem\ HIVE Login\ Swarm M138 Modem Product Manual
Q: How do I stop the RSSI-Background from repeating?\
A: Send $RT 0*16
via Telnet connection
Q: How do I calculate the checksum?\ A: For testing, you can use the NMEA Checksum Calculator or for integration you can use the following C code found on pg. 34 of the manual.
uint8_t nmeaChecksum (const char *sz, size_t len){
size_t i = 0;
uint8_t cs;
if (sz [0] == '$')
for (cs = 0; (i < len) && sz [i]; i++)
cs ^= ((uint8_t) sz [i]);
return cs;
def nmea_checksum(command: str) -> int:
i = 0
cs = 0
if command[0] == '$':
i = 1
bs = command.encode()
for b in bs[i:]:
cs ^= b
return cs
Q: There are some differences with the POWERON message between the demo Swarm Modem, and the Swarm Modem in our card.
A: SFT=Y/n and BOR=n/Y
is for internal debug and can be disregarded. You can ensure your Swarm Modem is functioning correctly.
Q: What type of antenna cable do you recommend?\ A: We recommend using LMR-240-UF
Email with any questions!