SwatPhonLab / ultrapolaRplot

GNU General Public License v3.0
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The ultrapolaRplot library for R is designed for plotting traced ultrasound tongue imaging data according to a polar coordinate system.

There is currently support for plotting means and standard deviations of each category's trace; SSANOVA could be implemented as well. The origin of the polar coordinates may be defined manually or automatically determined based on different algorithms.

Currently ultrapolaRplot supports ultrasound tongue imaging trace data from UltraTrace. UltraTrace is capable of importing data from Articulate Instruments AAA.

See publications related to ultrapolaRplot, currently our Ultrafest poster and extended abstract. Be sure to cite them if you use ultrapolaRplot!


The following code snippet shows a basic example of use:


rawTraces <- loadTraces('/path/to/project/', 'vowels')  # project directory containing UltraTrace metadata file; tier to identify non-empty elements from for categories to plot
polarTraces <- makeTracesPolar(rawTraces)
plotTraces(rawTraces, polarTraces)

Loading options (for loadTraces())

Processing options (for makeTracesPolar())

Plotting options (for plotTraces())


Installing from CRAN

Most users will want to install ultrapolaRplot this way.

install.packages ('ultrapolaRplot')

Installing from source

Most users will want to install ultrapolaRplot fromm CRAN, as above. Installing from source is primarily useful for developers, or if you want the latest (unsupported) version of the code.

To install the development version of ultrapolaRplot from source, download the contents of this git repository locally, and install using the following command in R, replacing /path/to/ with the absolute or relative path (directory) to the library:
