SwathiBalasubramanyam / chatlog

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Table of Contents

ChatLog is a full stack clone of the popular business messaging application, Slack. Slack is a workspace communication tool that allows users to collaborate and connect with one another through a variety of ways. Inspired by slack, the core feature of ChatLog is the ability to send messages to another user or to a channel they have access to.

Live Demo

Check out the live website here.

Technologies Used

1. User Authentication

Users can signup, sign-in, logout. Users can use demo login to try the site.

2. Work-spaces

Users are able to create a workspace. User will be an admin(if workspace created by them)/member. All workspace members can read/retrieve a workspace. Admins can edit a workspace, members don't have the permissions to edit.

3. Channels

General and random channels are created by default and all the members of the workspace are automatically added to these channels when they join a workspace. Users of a workspace can create a channel within the workspace and add members from the workspace. All members of a channel are given permission to read a channel, whereas update and delete can be done only by the admin of a channel.

4. Direct Messages

Direct messages are a type of channel. Any member of the workspace can create a direct messages channel. Ability to add a member of the work-space into the channel. A default direct message channel, with only user as member is created.

5. Messages

Users have the ability to create a Message in the channel/direct messages channel or as a reply to the message. channel members can read the messages.

Highlighted Features

Creating default channels

When creating a workspace, backend also creates few default channels, a direct message for the user and adds an association to the user and channel. This association is then used to identify the members of a channel and access is restricted based on that. Adding channel members can happen in two different ways when creating a workspace or adding a member to a workspace.

Code Snippets

    def create
    @workspace = Workspace.new(workspace_params)
    @workspace.owner_id = @current_user.id
    if @workspace.save
      WorkspaceMember.create!(member_id: @current_user.id, workspace_id: @workspace.id, role: "admin")

      wchannel1 = Channel.create!(owner_id: @current_user.id, workspace_id: @workspace.id, 
        name: :general, description: "This channel is for team-wide communication and announcements. All team members are in this channel.", is_default: true)
      ChannelMember.create!(member_id: @current_user.id, channel_id: wchannel1.id, active: true)
      render "api/workspaces/create"
      render json: {errors: @workspace.errors.full_messages}, status: :unprocessable_entity

channel vs Direct Message:

channels and direct messages are the same behind the hood. When its a direct message, I name it by concatening all the memberIds. So this has to be unique all the time. The below code checks if there is a channel with the given members and then switches the channel else creates one for them.

Code Snippets

  const handleAddMembers = (e) => {
        let memberIds = Object.keys(selectedMemList)

        let newChannelMems = [...memberIds]
        let chName = newChannelMems.sort().join("")

            let alreadyExists = Object.values(channels).filter(ch => ch.name === chName)
            } else {
                dispatch(channelActions.createChannel(sessionChannel.workspaceId, {
                    name: chName,
                    description: "This is the very beginning of your direct message history with ",
                    is_channel: false,
                    is_default: false
                })).then((data) => {
                    dispatch(channelMemberActions.createChannelMembers(data.channel.id, memberIds)).then(() => dispatch(modalActions.closeModal()))
        } else {
            dispatch(channelMemberActions.createChannelMembers(sessionChannel.id, memberIds)).then(() => dispatch(modalActions.closeModal()))

Future Directions