Sweetman / cs373-idb

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Setup for local dev

Note: Everyone on the team has OS X, so these instructions will be for that environment until we host on a linux server

Required: Python3

Set up the virtual environment

pip install virtualenv
which python3 // outputs path to your python3, will be refered to as PYTHON3_PATH
virtualenv -p PYTHON3_PATH env
source env/bin/activate

You will know it worked when your shell prompt has (env) appended to the beginning.

To start and deactivate your virtualenv run the following (tab completion included)

source env/bin/activate
deactivate env

Edit the activate script for the virtualenv and add these commands to the bottom of the file

export APP_SETTINGS="config.DevelopmentConfig"
export DATABASE_URL="postgresql://admin@localhost/idb"

Now install the requirements for the project

pip install -r requirements.txt
bower update

Create the psql database

Install with homebrew or download the Postgresql.app

Make sure you have a user called admin already. Now run the following:

make database

Start server

python manage.py runserver