Swift-BAT / UnmaskedResponder

Python response generator for the Swift Burst Alert Telescope (BAT). Creates full non mask-weighted responses.
MIT License
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Python response generator for the Swift Burst Alert Telescope (BAT). Creates full non mask-weighted responses.

In order to build and install this package to your python, first ensure that you're within the /UnmaskedResponder directory. We first want to install our dependencies listed in requirements.txt (using python3 for example):

python -m pip install -r requirements.txt

In the base directory, run the command:

python -m pip install .

Response Files and Configuration

There are many internal data files (mostly used for generating the detector response) used in the codebase. Some are found in this repo and others are found in the Zenodo community.

The simplest way to organize these files is to put all of them into a single directory, and setting the path to that directory as an environment variable named NITRATES_RESP_DIR. If NITRATES_RESP_DIR is set and all of the response files are placed in there with their original file names (and directory structure for tarred directories) then config.py should be able to find the full path to all of the necessary files. NITRATES_RESP_DIR along with other paths can also be hard coded into the config.py file instead of being set as an env variable. If NITRATES_RESP_DIR is not hardcoded and an environmental variable is not set, config.py will assume that NITRATES_RESP_DIR is in the directory above config.py.

In the Zenodo community, the Swift-BAT Response Files for NITRATES dataset contains sevaral .tar.gz files that each contain a folder of data files to be downloaded and extracted into NITRATES_RESP_DIR. The tarred directories: resp_tabs_ebins.tar.gz, comp_flor_resps.tar.gz, hp_flor_resps.tar.gz need to be downloaded and extracted into NITRATES_RESP_DIR, along with the file solid_angle_dpi.npy. The other files either contain more energy bins or are used only for the seeding analyses.

The .tar.gz files in the datasets Swift-BAT Response Files for NITRATES: Forward Ray Tracings at IMX > 0 and Swift-BAT Response Files for NITRATES: Forward Ray Tracings at IMX < 0 also need to be downloaded and extracted into NITRATES_RESP_DIR. These are the forward ray tracing files and are a few hundred GBs uncompressed. They're split up into seperate tarred files do to size limits, but should end up in the same directory, NITRATES_RESP_DIR/ray_traces_detapp_npy/.

The bright_src_cat.fits file and the element_cross_sections folder in this repo should also be copied into NITRATES_RESP_DIR.

Paths to these files can instead be given as arguments to some of the analysis objects, such as Source_Model_InOutFoV().

Important Modules



