Swiftsmoke / openwowcms

Open Source Web frontend for the private WoW servers.
GNU General Public License v3.0
5 stars 0 forks source link


Available from the creators of this branch at https://github.com/Swiftsmoke/openwowcms/issues


Copy all files to the document root of your host and point your browser to the index. Example: http://www.openwow.com/.

Installation process will start instantly. You will be guided through a a number of self-explanatory steps to finish the installation. Make sure you satisfy all what is required during the process. After the installation script is finished you will be forwarded to your fresh main page where you can start your customizations.


Documentation is available - http://swiftsmoke.github.com/openwowcms Source code - https://github.com/Swiftsmoke/openwowcms

=Contact= dibble1989@hotmail.co.uk

=Origin $Revision: b67f686e94 $=

Source Code - https://github.com/openwowdb/openwowcms Contact - zebra@openwow.com / http://www.openwow.com/?misc=openwowcms

(c) www.openwow.com, 2012

Source code and documentation is distributed under terms of GPL v3. Details here: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html