SwissDataScienceCenter / renku-data-services

Services that handle reading and writing data from a database
Apache License 2.0
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Renku Data Services

Coverage Status

A set of services that handle reading and writing data from Postgres about compute resources.


This project follows the [Polylith Architecture]() using the Polylith Poetry Plugin.

Installation instructions for the plugin.

Use poetry poly info to get an overview of the contained components/bases/projects. Refer to the documentation of the plugin for further details.

Initial Setup

  1. poetry install
  2. pre-commit install to install pre commit hooks
  3. DUMMY_STORES=true poetry run python bases/renku_data_services/data_api/ --debug --dev --fast


  1. Write code
  2. Run tests: make tests
  3. Style checks: make style_checks

Developing with the container image

The container image can be built to be used as a local development service (for renku_crc): docker build -f projects/renku_data_services/Dockerfile . --build-arg DEV_BUILD=true -t renku-data-service

It can then be run as daemon: docker run -d -e DUMMY_STORES=true --name renku-crc renku-data-service


We use Alembic for migrations and we have a single version table for all schemas. This version table is used by Alembic to determine what migrations have been applied or not and it resides in the common schema. That is why all the Alembic commands include the --name common argument.

Our Alembic setup is such that we have multiple schemas. Most use cases will probably simply use the common schema. However, if you add a new schema, you have to make sure to add the metadata for it in the components/renku_data_services/migrations/ file.

To create a new migration:

DUMMY_STORES=true alembic -c components/renku_data_services/migrations/alembic.ini --name common revision -m "<message>" --autogenerate --version-path components/renku_data_services/migrations/versions

You can specify a different version path if you wish to, just make sure it is listed in alembic.ini under version_locations.

To run all migrations: DUMMY_STORES=true alembic -c components/renku_data_services/migrations/alembic.ini --name=common upgrade heads