I am a masters student learning Hyperledger Fabric. The purpose of this project was to learn how to set up a simple single organization network on Hyperledger Fabric from the ground up. This network includes the following 4 peers, 1 Orderer, 1 CA and a fabric-client.
I solved most of these issues by learning docker from a book called Master Docker. Understanding docker lets you actually get on with learning Hyperledger Fabric itself.
Step1: Create Docker Swarm
$ docker swarm init --advertise-addr
Step2: Join Swarm
$ docker swarm join --token TOKEN
Step3: Verify hosts on Swarm
$ docker node ls
Step4: Create a overlay network on first computer
$ docker network create -d overlay --attachable network-name-go's-here
note: The name of the network I used is "rebnet" if you use a different name please make sure to propagate this change through the docker-compose.yaml files you use. I recommend doing a find and replace on the term "rebnet".
Step5: Connect second computer to overlay network
$ docker run -itd --name dummyContainer --net "network-name-go's-here" alpine /bin/sh
note: This is a work around to get the second computer to connect to the ovelay network.
Step6: Copy the project folder to each computer.
note: The channel-artifacts and the crypto-config folders are the most important. Then each computer should contain a docker-compose.yaml file with Hyperledger fabric components in for that computer. Also, the start scripts also come in handy. For example docker-compose-host1.yaml and start-host.sh on the one computer.
Step7: Start the network
$ start-host1.sh
note: Please make sure the .sh file is excutable in the terminal.
Step8: Create and join a channel and join peer 0 via fabric-client.
$ docker exec -it cli bash
$ export CORE_PEER_ADDRESS=peer0.hospital1.switch2logic.co.za:7051
$ peer channel create -o orderer.switch2logic.co.za:7050 -c rebelchannel -f ./channel-artifacts/channel.tx --cafile tlsca.switch2logic.co.za-cert.pem
note: channel can only be created ones and will give an error if you recreate it just move on.
Step9: Join each peer to the channel
$ docker exec -it cli bash
$ export CORE_PEER_ADDRESS=peer1.hospital1.switch2logic.co.za:7051
$ peer channel fetch 0 rebelchannel.block --channelID rebelchannel --orderer orderer.switch2logic.co.za:7050
$ peer channel join -b rebelchannel.block
Step10: Check docker logs
$ docker logs peer1.hospital1.switch2logic.co.za:7051 -f
Note: There should be no errors.
If you want to get started with Hyperledger Fabric you need a firm understanding of docker.