On Cyber Monday, 2015 we launched the first React Indie Bundle. 6 authors, 4 books, 19 hours of video. Freddy, Juho, Stephen, Azat, Andrzej, and I decided to donate 10% of the sales back to the community.
We donated $3,200 to Redux, Webpack, and the Go Code Fundation.
That was great, but fraught with problems. Who picks the projects? How do we know you care about them? Who ensures they're good projects? What makes a good project? Hell, you're contributing to the donation pool, you deserve transparency.
This year we're launching a new React Indie Bundle: 5 authors, 6 books, 72 hours of video.
And we want full transparency for the open source donations. You pick the projects, you vote for your favorites, we donate. Every project deserves our support, no matter how small. Open source is a lot of work and those heroes need our support.
Open the issues tab on this project and look for your favorite library or creator.
If you find it, comment and upvote.
If your fav isn't on there, add it.
Tell your friends
On November 28th - Cyber Monday - sales open for React Indie Bundle. On Dec 5th they close. Monday to Monday.
Then we count the votes and make donations. The more upvotes, the bigger the donation.
To increase fairness, we're donating with a logarithmic scale. Let's say we get 3 different projects. Webpack with 60 upvotes, MobX with 30, and Preact with 15. If the final donation pot is $10,000, then Webpack gets $5,800, MobX $2,800, and Preact $1,400.
Now help us out and suggest your fav project :)
Cheers, ~Swizec