The SySS NAND Dump Tools are a collection of software tools for working with raw NAND flash memory dumps and images.
By using error-correcting codes, for instance BCH codes (Bose–Chaudhuri–Hocquenghem Codes), supporting different configurations, the NAND Dump Decoder can create error-corrected data dumps from raw NAND flash memory dumps, which can then be used with other tools, for instance the ubireader tools.
The NAND Dump Encoder can be used to create raw NAND flash memory images from binary input files for supported target platforms, which can then be directly written to corresponding NAND memory chips.
The NAND Dump Tools are based on and inspired by the open source software tool PMECC Reader and Decoder by Mickaël Walter (@MickaelWalter).
The NAND Dump Tools can be downloaded and installed in the following way:
git clone
cd NAND_Dump_Tools
The Python tools NAND Dump Decoder and NAND Dump Encoder can be used via Shell script wrappers which automatically use the virtual environment for Python created during the software installation.
The following output shows the help screen of the NAND Dump Decoder:
$ ./ --help
_ _ ___ _ _______ ______ ______ _
| \ | | / _ \ | \ | | _ \ | _ \ | _ \ | |
| \| |/ /_\ \| \| | | | | | | | |_ _ _ __ ___ _ __ | | | |___ ___ ___ __| | ___ _ __
| . ` || _ || . ` | | | | | | | | | | | '_ ` _ \| '_ \ | | | / _ \/ __/ _ \ / _` |/ _ \ '__|
| |\ || | | || |\ | |/ / | |/ /| |_| | | | | | | |_) | | |/ / __/ (_| (_) | (_| | __/ |
\_| \_/\_| |_/\_| \_/___/ |___/ \__,_|_| |_| |_| .__/ |___/ \___|\___\___/ \__,_|\___|_|
| |
NAND Dump Decoder v0.2 by Matthias Deeg - SySS GmbH (c) 2018-2020
usage: [-h] -i INFOLDER -o OUTFILE [-c CONFIG] [-m MODE] [--atmel-config] [--nxp-fcb-config]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i INFOLDER, --infolder INFOLDER
Input folder with binary dump files (.bin)
-o OUTFILE, --outfile OUTFILE
Output dump file
-c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
Configuration file
-m MODE, --mode MODE Vendor specific NAND mode (ATMEL, NXP_IMX28
--atmel-config Retrieve ATMEL config from first page of the dump file
--nxp-fcb-config Retrieve NXP config from firmware control block (FCB) of first page of the dump file
The following output shows the help screen of the NAND Dump Encoder:
$ ./ --help
_ _ ___ _ _______ ______ _____ _
| \ | | / _ \ | \ | | _ \ | _ \ | ___| | |
| \| |/ /_\ \| \| | | | | | | | |_ _ _ __ ___ _ __ | |__ _ __ ___ ___ __| | ___ _ __
| . ` || _ || . ` | | | | | | | | | | | '_ ` _ \| '_ \ | __| '_ \ / __/ _ \ / _` |/ _ \ '__|
| |\ || | | || |\ | |/ / | |/ /| |_| | | | | | | |_) | | |__| | | | (_| (_) | (_| | __/ |
\_| \_/\_| |_/\_| \_/___/ |___/ \__,_|_| |_| |_| .__/ \____/_| |_|\___\___/ \__,_|\___|_|
| |
NAND Dump Encoder v0.2 by Matthias Deeg - SySS GmbH (c) 2018-2020
usage: [-h] -i INFILE -o OUTFILE [-c CONFIG] [--atmel-config] [-k KEY]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i INFILE, --infile INFILE
Input file
-o OUTFILE, --outfile OUTFILE
Output dump file
-c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
Configuration file
--atmel-config Use ATMEL config in first page of the dump file
-k KEY, --key KEY Crypto key for ATMEL ECC encryption
The following example shows how the errors of a raw NAND flash memory dump of a SAMA5D4 Xplained Ultra evaluation board with a MT29F4G08 NAND flash memory chip (device ID 2CDC90A6) are corrected using the NAND Dump Decoder. The configuration of the ATMEL target system is read from the dump itself (PMECC header in first NAND dump block) using the command line argument --atmel-config. Alternatively, the command line argument --config can be used to specify a suitable NAND configuration.
$ ./ -i ~/dump/SAMA5D4/dump1 -o sama.bin --atmel-config
_ _ ___ _ _______ ______ ______ _
| \ | | / _ \ | \ | | _ \ | _ \ | _ \ | |
| \| |/ /_\ \| \| | | | | | | | |_ _ _ __ ___ _ __ | | | |___ ___ ___ __| | ___ _ __
| . ` || _ || . ` | | | | | | | | | | | '_ ` _ \| '_ \ | | | / _ \/ __/ _ \ / _` |/ _ \ '__|
| |\ || | | || |\ | |/ / | |/ /| |_| | | | | | | |_) | | |/ / __/ (_| (_) | (_| | __/ |
\_| \_/\_| |_/\_| \_/___/ |___/ \__,_|_| |_| |_| .__/ |___/ \___|\___\___/ \__,_|\___|_|
| |
NAND Dump Decoder v0.2 by Matthias Deeg - SySS GmbH (c) 2018-2020
[*] Found one binary input file (566231040 bytes)
[*] Using ECC mode ATMEL
[*] Used configuration
Block size: 262144 bytes (64 pages)
Page size: 4096 bytes
Sector size: 512 bytes
Spare size: 224 bytes
ECC offset: 120 bytes
ECC errors: 8 errors per sector (max.)
ECC bytes: 13 bytes per sector
Use ECC: True
File offset: 0x0 (skip 0 blocks)
[*] Search for ECC crypto key ...
[*] Found ECC crypto key: f78a7490b7c95943e99ea724ad
[*] Starting error correcting process ...
Progress: 100.00% (1048576/1048576 sectors)
[*] Completed error correcting process
Successfully written 536870912 bytes of data to output file 'sama.bin'
Some statistics
Total pages: 131072
Blank pages: 90846 (69.31%)
Blank sectors: 726768 (69.31%)
Data sectors: 321808 (30.69%)
Total sectors: 1048576
Valid sectors: 1048576 (100.00%)
Valid data sectors: 321808 (30.69%)
Corrupted sectors: 0 (0.00%)
Corrected sectors: 2 (0.00%)
Bad blocks: 0
Besides an error-corrected data dump, in this example, the NAND Dump Decoder also extracts a found cryptographic key which is used by some target systems for encrypting the error-correcting codes within the NAND spare areas, like in our SAMA5D4 device.
The created error-corrected NAND dump contains only data of user areas and can be used with the Memory Technology Device (MTD) System for Linux and its NAND simulator in the following way:
modprobe nandsim first_id_byte=0x2C second_id_byte=0xdc third_id_byte=0x90 fourth_id_byte=0xa6
cat /proc/mtd
nandwrite /dev/mtd1 sama.bin
If the NAND flash memory dump contains an Unsorted Block Image (UBI) with a UBI file system (UBIFS), like in this example, it can be mounted as follows:
modprobe ubi mtd=/dev/mtd1,4096
mkdir /tmp/nand_dump
mount -t ubifs -o rw /dev/ubi0_0 /tmp/nand_dump
By using the software tool ubireader_utils_info, the corresponding configuration of the Unsorted Block Image can be extracted, as the following output shows:
$ ubireader_utils_info sama.bin
Volume rootfs
alignment -a 1
default_compr -x lzo
fanout -f 8
image_seq -Q 928361211
key_hash -k r5
leb_size -e 253952
log_lebs -l 4
max_bud_bytes -j 8388608
max_leb_cnt -c 2082
min_io_size -m 4096
name -N rootfs
orph_lebs -p 1
peb_size -p 262144
sub_page_size -s 4096
version -x 1
vid_hdr_offset -O 4096
vol_id -n 0
Writing to: ubifs-root/sama.bin/img-928361211/
Writing to: ubifs-root/sama.bin/img-928361211/img-928361211.ini
With this information, an Unsorted Block Image with the correctly formatted UBIFS can be created in the following way:
mkfs.ubifs -m 4096 -e 253952 -c 2082 -x lzo -f 8 -k r5 -p 1 -l 4 -r /tmp/nand_dump/ sama_hacked.ubifs
ubinize -p 262144 -m 4096 -O 4096 -s 4096 -x 1 -Q 928361211 -o sama_hacked.ubi sama_hacked.ini
Before such a created UBI file is further processed, its size should be adjusted via padding with 0xFF bytes to match the specification of the corresponding NAND memory chip, for instance 536870912 bytes for the 512 MB MT29F4G08. In doing so, there won't be any problems when programming the NAND chip with a universal programmer like the UP-828P.
Now, a valid NAND flash memory image can be created with the NAND Dump Encoder using a suitable configuration for the target system (SAMA5D4 in this example) and the correct cryptographic key for encrypting the error-correcting BCH codes within the NAND spare areas.
$ ./ -i hacked_dump.bin -o hacked_sama_image.bin -c conf/29F4G08_Micron_ATMEL.conf -k f78a7490b7c95943e99ea724ad
_ _ ___ _ _______ ______ _____ _
| \ | | / _ \ | \ | | _ \ | _ \ | ___| | |
| \| |/ /_\ \| \| | | | | | | | |_ _ _ __ ___ _ __ | |__ _ __ ___ ___ __| | ___ _ __
| . ` || _ || . ` | | | | | | | | | | | '_ ` _ \| '_ \ | __| '_ \ / __/ _ \ / _` |/ _ \ '__|
| |\ || | | || |\ | |/ / | |/ /| |_| | | | | | | |_) | | |__| | | | (_| (_) | (_| | __/ |
\_| \_/\_| |_/\_| \_/___/ |___/ \__,_|_| |_| |_| .__/ \____/_| |_|\___\___/ \__,_|\___|_|
| |
NAND Dump Encoder v0.2 by Matthias Deeg - SySS GmbH (c) 2018-2020
[*] Found input file with a file size of 536870912 bytes
[*] Read configuration file 'conf/29F4G08_Micron_ATMEL.conf'
[*] Used configuration
Block size: 262144 bytes (64 pages)
Page size: 4096 bytes
Sector size: 512 bytes
Spare size: 224 bytes
ECC offset: 120 bytes
ECC errors: 8 errors per sector (max.)
ECC bytes: 13 bytes per sector
Use ECC: True
[*] Generating output file ...
Progress: 100.00% (1048576/1048576 sectors)
[*] Completed error correcting process
Successfully written 536870912 bytes of data to output file 'hacked_sama_image.bin'
Some statistics
Total pages: 131072
Blank pages: 92445 (70.53%)
Blank sectors: 739560 (70.53%)
Data sectors: 309016 (29.47%)
Total sectors: 1048576
Bad blocks: 0
This demo video exemplarily shows a chip-off/chip-on attack for gaining unauthorized root access on a SAMA5D4 device (SAMA5D4 Xplained Ultra evaluation board) by exploiting the unencrypted NAND flash memory.
Use at your own risk. Do not use without full consent of everyone involved. For educational purposes only.