Sydney-Informatics-Hub / SomaticShortV-nf

A DSL2-nextflow pipeline for GATK based Somatic Short-Variant identification
GNU General Public License v3.0
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:wrench: This pipeline is currently under development :wrench:


SomaticShortV-nf is a Nextflow pipeline for identifying somatic short variant events in Illumina short read whole genome sequence data. We have followed the GATK Best practices . The input to this pipeline are the per sample "g.vcf" files which are generated using nf-core/sarek.

There are three main steps in the process of calling Somatic Short Variants:

(1) Creation of Somatic short variants Panel of Normals (PON) :
This involves converting the Normal BAMs to PON. The PON's are -

(2) Call the somatic short variants for a tumor-normal pair :
The two main steps involved in calling Somatic Short Variants are -

(3) Annotating the variants
An external genomic variant annotations and functional effect prediction tool SnpEff was used for annotating the filtered variants (such as amino-acid changes etc). Please refer to the above link for SnpEff details.


User guide

To run this pipeline, you will need to prepare your input files, reference data, and clone this repository. Before proceeding, ensure Nextflow is installed on the system you're working on. To install Nextflow, see these instructions.

1. Prepare inputs

To run this pipeline you will need the following inputs:

This pipeline processes paired-end BAM files and is capable of processing multiple samples in parallel. BAM files are expected to be coordinate sorted and indexed (see Fastq-to-BAM for an example of a best practice workflow that can generate these files).

You will need to create a sample sheet with information about the samples you are processing, before running the pipeline. This file must be tab-separated and contain a header and one row per sample. Columns should correspond to sampleID, BAM file, BAI file:

sampleID bam bai
SAMPLE1 /data/Bams/sample1.bam /data/Bams/sample1.bam.bai
SAMPLE2 /data/Bams/sample2.bam /data/Bams/sample2.bam.bai

When you run the pipeline, you will use the mandatory --input parameter to specify the location and name of the input file:

--input /path/to/samples.tsv

2. Prepare the reference materials

To run this pipeline you will need the following reference files:

You will need to download and index a copy of the reference genome you would like to use. Reference FASTA files must be accompanied by a .fai index file. If you are working with a species that has a public reference genome, you can download FASTA files from the Ensembl, UCSC, or NCBI ftp sites. You can use our IndexReferenceFasta-nf pipeline to generate indexes.

When you run the pipeline, you will use the mandatory --ref parameter to specify the location and name of the reference.fasta file:

--ref /path/to/reference.fasta

3. Clone this repository

Download the code contained in this repository with:

git clone

This will create a directory with the following structure:

├── config/
├── modules/
└── nextflow.config

The important features are:

4. Run the pipeline

The most basic run command for this pipeline is:

nextflow run --ref reference.fasta

By default, this will generate work directory, results output directory and a runInfo run metrics directory in the same location you ran the pipeline from.

To specify additional optional tool-specific parameters, see what flags are supported by running:

nextflow run --help 

If for any reason your workflow fails, you are able to resume the workflow from the last successful process with -resume.

Infrastructure useage and recommendations

Coming soon!


Coming soon!

Workflow summaries


metadata field GermlineStructuralV-nf / v1.0
Version 1.0
Maturity stable
Creators Nandan Deshpande, Georgie Samaha
Source NA
License GNU General Public License v3.0
Workflow manager NextFlow
Container See Component tools
Install method NA
GitHub NA
BioContainers NA
bioconda NA

Component tools

To run this pipeline you must have Nextflow and Singularity installed on your machine. All other tools are run using containers.

Tool Version
Nextflow >=20.07.1
VEP 108

Additional notes






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Acknowledgements (and co-authorship, where appropriate) are an important way for us to demonstrate the value we bring to your research. Your research outcomes are vital for ongoing funding of the Sydney Informatics Hub and national compute facilities. We suggest including the following acknowledgement in any publications that follow from this work:

The authors acknowledge the technical assistance provided by the Sydney Informatics Hub, a Core Research Facility of the University of Sydney and the Australian BioCommons which is enabled by NCRIS via Bioplatforms Australia.