Open source tools enabling interchange between computer vision annotation and GIS data formats. Part of
Module documentation is available at documentation.
Source code available at github.
Releases available at github.
The repository can convert between the following formats:
Images and annotations in COCO JSON format.
Georeferenced shapefile polygon vector files, with a readme file linking to the original web map server or aerial imagery source to be rendered.
conda create -n aerial-conversion-dev python=3.9
conda activate aerial-conversion-dev
pip install 'git+'
A toy dataset has been uploaded to Roboflow. It is a small subset, containing Chatswood region, available here.
There are multiple versions of this dataset. Please ignore the first version. Version 2 and later versions are the ones that are being used. The main difference of version 2 and 3 is that version 2 contains 90 degree augmentaions, while version 3 does not.
For implementing this in your code, you can use the following code snippet:
from roboflow import Roboflow
rf = Roboflow(api_key= 'your_roboflow_api_key' )
workspace_name = "sih-vpfnf"
dataset_version = 3
project_name = "gis-hd-200x200"
dataset_download_name = "coco-segmentation"
project = rf.workspace(workspace_name).project(project_name)
dataset = project.version(dataset_version).download(dataset_download_name)
To create tiles from a raster file, use the following command:
python -m aerial_conversion.scripts.geojson2coco \
--raster-file /path/to/data/chatswood_hd.tif \
--polygon-file /path/to/data/chatswood.geojson \
--tile-dir /path/to/data/big_tiles \
--json-name /path/to/data/coco_from_gis_hd.json \
--info /path/to/data/info.json \
--class-column zone_name
To merge multiple COCO JSON files, and yield a geojson file for the input raster, use the following command:
python -m aerial_conversion.scripts.coco2geojson \
/path/to/data/raster_tiles/dir \
/path/to/data/predictions-coco.json \
--tile-extension tif \
--geojson-output /path/to/data/output.geojson \
--meta-name <name_of_the_dataset>
To do a batch conversion, when the conversion should be carried on multiple input images, use the following command:
python -m aerial_conversion.scripts.batch_geojson2coco \
--raster-dir /path/to/data/rasters/ \
--vector-dir /path/to/data/geojsons/ \
--output-dir /path/to/data/outputs/ \
--tile-size <size_of_the_tiles>
--class-column <class_column_in_geojsons_to_look_for>
--overlap <overlap_in_percentage_between_tiles> \
--pattern <a_pattern_to_ensure_raster_names_matches_the_geojsons>
--concatenate <whether_to_concatenate_the_output_geojsons_into_one_big_json>
--info /path/to/data/info.json \
--resume <whether_to_resume_the_process_in_case_new_images_are_added>
argument is the path to the raster directory. This is a necessary argument. Rasters are expected to be in this directory.
argument is the path to the vector directory. This is a necessary argument. geojsons are expected to be in this directory, with matching names with the rasters.
Please ensure the rasters in the raster directory are named similarly as the geojsons. If they only differ in a prefix, you can use the --pattern
argument to specify the prefix. For example, if the rasters are named osm_1.tif
, osm_2.tif
, and the geojsons are named 1.geojson
, 2.geojson
, you can use --pattern osm_
to ensure the rasters are matched with the geojsons.
argument is the path to the output directory. This is a necessary argument.
argument is also a necessary argument that should be provided. If the provided argument is wrong or does not exist, the code will create the column with default values.
argument is the percentage of overlap between the tiles. For example, if the tile size is 200, and the overlap is 0.5, the overlap between the tiles will be 100 pixels.
argument is a store-true argument. If it is set, the output geojsons will be concatenated into one big geojson.
argument is a store-true argument. If it is set, the code will resume the process from the last image that was processed. This is useful when new images are added to the raster directory, and the process should be resumed from the last image that was processed.
argument is the path to the info json file. This is a necessary argument. If the argument is not provided, the code will create the info json file with default values.
argument is the size of the tiles in meters.
Splitting dataset to train, test, and validation sets can be achieved using the following script:
python -m aerial_conversion.scripts.coco_split -s 0.7 /path/to/concatenated_coco.json /path/to/save/output/train.json /path/to/save/output/test_valid.json
python -m aerial_conversion.scripts.coco_split -s 0.667 /path/to/test_valid.json /path/to/save/output/test.json /path/to/save/output/valid.json
To tinker with the dataset and balance it, the following scrips can be used.
To isolate the categories:
python -m aerial_conversion.scripts.coco_balance -i /path/to/input/coco.json -o /path/to/output/coco-catlimited.json -c '<category 1>,<category 2>,...' --int_cats
argument is a store-true argument. If it is set, the categories will be interpreted as integers. Otherwise, they will be interpreted as strings.
argument is the categories to be isolated. They should be comma separated.
To balance the dataset by removing a subsample of the images which have only a single category (the biggest category):
python -m aerial_conversion.scripts.coco_balance -i /path/to/input/coco.json -o /path/to/output/coco-balanced.json --balance_cats
argument is a store-true argument. If it is set, the dataset will be balanced by removing a subsample of the images which have only a single category (the biggest category).
Please make sure to install all the required libraries in the requirements.txt file for development.
In this project, pre-commit
is being used. Hence, please make sure you have it in your env by pip install pre-commit
Make sure to run pre-commit on each run. You can run it before commit on all files to check your code by typing pre-commit run --all-files --verbose
, without staging your pre-commit config.
Otherwise, you can run it via pre-commit run
only, or just envoking it while committing (and failing, and committing again).
Alternatively, to add the hook, after installing pre-commit, run:
pre-commit install