SylTi / bitfunding

Bitcoin Crowdfunding in MEAN
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Bitcoin Crowdfunding Platform

MEAN Stack Technologies API




  1. rename /server/config/local.env.sample.js into local.env.js
  2. set the variables.
  3. if you want your database to be pre seeded open config/environment/developpement.js and set seedDB: true


 Variables values
Client Configuration

You can configure:

Platform Workflow : User

  1. A user create is account
  2. API call to get a BTC Address
  3. User deposit to that address
  4. After 6 confirmations, auto forward of the funds to the BTC Master address and the funds are added to the balance of the user so he can contribibute to any project present on the platform

Platform Workflow : Project

  1. Create a user.
  2. Create a project, enter details and valid BTC Address
  3. Wait for a contribution
  4. When the deadline is met, admin manually either send the bitcoin from is offline wallet to the address specified on the project if the goal is met. Or send back the money to the contributors.

Coding / Contributing