SylveonDeko / NHentaiAPI

A (full) nHentai API implementation for .NET
MIT License
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Build status NuGet NuGet NuGet

A full nHentai API implementation for .NET

⚠️ If nHentai changes their API format, please create an issue to let me know!

Important Notes

User Agent Requirements

A User-Agent is required to use this API. The client will throw an error if none is provided. You can get your User-Agent by:

  1. Going to
  2. Or by opening Developer Tools (F12) in your browser, going to Network tab, and looking at the "User-Agent" header in any request


var client = new NHentaiClient("Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36");

CSRF Token (If Required)

If nHentai implements CSRF protection, you can get the token by:

  1. Opening Developer Tools (F12)
  2. Going to Network tab
  3. Looking for a request header named 'x-csrf-token' or a cookie named 'csrf_token'
  4. Pass it to the client using the cookies dictionary

Important: The CSRF token must be obtained from the same IP address and User-Agent that will be used with the API. Using a token from a different IP or User-Agent will result in authentication failures.

var cookies = new Dictionary<string, string>
    {"csrf_token", "your-token-here"}
var client = new NHentaiClient("your-user-agent", cookies);


Search Capabilities:

  1. Browse homepage content
  2. Search by keywords
  3. Search by tags with optional popularity sorting
  4. Filter tags using - prefix (exclusion)

Book Operations:

  1. Fetch book details
  2. Get related books

Image Operations:

  1. Page images (preview, thumbnail, and original quality)
  2. Cover images (preview and thumbnail)

Usage Examples

Search Books:

// Initialize client with User-Agent
var client = new NHentaiClient("your-user-agent-string");

// Search with filters
var result = await client.GetSearchPageListAsync("school swimsuit full color -loli", 2);

// Browse homepage
var homeResults = await client.GetHomePageListAsync(1);

Get Book Details:

var client = new NHentaiClient("your-user-agent-string");

// Get book by ID
var book = await client.GetBookAsync(123);

// Get related books
var related = await client.GetBookRecommendAsync(123);

Get Images:

var book = await client.GetBookAsync(123);

// Get full page image
byte[] picture = await client.GetPictureAsync(book, 1);

// Get cover image
byte[] cover = await client.GetBigCoverPictureAsync(book);

// Get thumbnails
byte[] thumbnail = await client.GetThumbPictureAsync(book, 1);
byte[] coverThumb = await client.GetBookThumbPictureAsync(book);

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This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.