SylverStudios /

The Sylver Studios blog
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The new and improved website!

The goal is to make this a safe and easy place to post anything we want. Games, apps, ideas, whatever. If you're unsure, make a draft and push a branch, it won't go live and everyone else can give feedback.


How can I contribute?

Open a PR, add a new post file (Post format: YEAR-MONTH-DAY-title.MARKUP). If the file is under drafts, it won't need the date. Run it locally to make sure everything is working. Pretty straight forward.

bundle exec jekyll serve --drafts
Development Environment setup - Mac

Are you me? Have you not properly setup ruby on your old mcBook? Some of these steps will relate to that issue, ignore if not applicable. ### Ruby Setup We need `ruby` installed, at the correct version, to run `jekyll`. In order to easily chose our ruby version, we will first install the tool [`rbenv`]( (Important Note! You must complete all of the rbenv installation steps, including updating your bash_profile). After install `rbenv`, we will use it to set up the version of ruby required by jekyll, namely ruby 2.6.0: ```bash rbenv install 2.6.0 # Should see output regarding Downloading and Installing ruby 2.6.0 rbenv local 2.6.0 # Sets the ruby version to 2.6.0 ruby --version # Should see output verifying that the ruby version is indeed 2.6.0 ``` ### Jekyll Setup Next we will set up Jekyll's dependencies in this project specifically. ```bash cd to/the/project # top-level # install jekyll & bundler gem install jekyll bundler # install dependencies tracked by bundler bundle install ``` Voila! At this point the environment should support everything we need to develop. You can verify this by running the main development command: ```bash # Run in dev mode, displays drafts bundle exec jekyll serve --drafts ```

Whats weird?

_includes Folder

Overwrite the template styles. Example: The head.html is copied from Minima our current theme, the only difference is that it adds a link for the favicon.


Auto included when we build for production: JEKYLL_ENV=production jekyll build