SymbiSoft / appuifw2

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Appuifw2 is an external Python module for PyS60 (a port of Python for Nokia S60 platform). It is based on the built-in appuifw module providing access to the S60 application UI framework and extends it with additional and improved features.

For more information, visit the homepage:

Testing new Text control in Python Shell

Open the Python Shell and select Interactive Console from Options menu. Execute the following commands:

import appuifw, appuifw2, main, series60_console appuifw.Text = lambda t=u'': appuifw2.Text(t, skinned=True) main.my_console = series60_console.Console()

Now close the interactive console using the Exit key. The screen will switch to a fully skinned Text console. You can reopen the console or start some scripts to test it.

The background will remain skinned until you close the Python Shell.