SymbioticLab /

SymbioticLab website
Apache License 2.0
5 stars 16 forks source link

Website for SymbioticLab.

Built using Hexo.

Adding News posts

The news entry on the front page are simply posts with the special News category. New posts can be created by running

node_modules/.bin/hexo new news "News Title"

Testing Locally

You can start a server locally.

npm start

It will automatically pick up most modifications to posts. So a simple refresh will show the latest content.

When it's not picking up your modifications, do a clean build:

npm run clean && npm start


Source code is in the develop branch. Commits to this branch will be automatically built and pushed to the master branch, which will then be served at

The site is based on hexo-theme-next, with the following tweaks:

Tweaking Styles

Page styles can be modified in custom/styles.styl and custom/variables.styl. More is possible and the theme-next documentation has more details.


This is a standalone plugin hexo-next-publist. The plugin provides a publist tag which can be used as normal in the markdown.

Tweaks can be made in its own repo. @Aetf will maintain the plugin.

Adding new page with custom layout

hexo-extend-theme makes it possible to develop or override theme's layout templates.

Layout templates in custom/layouts/*.njk will have higher priority than theme's builtin ones in node_modules/hexo-theme-next/layouts/*. By default, a post (source/_posts/*.md) uses post.njk and other markdowns uses page.njk.

To create a new page with custom layout, follow the steps below:

This is my new page!