SynBioDex / SBOL-examples

A repository to share/discuss/ask/propose how to represent examples using SBOL and SBOLVisual.
Apache License 2.0
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SBOL Examples

Welcome to SBOL Examples! Please feel free to use this repository to browse through or propose new SBOL or SBOLVisual examples.

Repository Structure

This repository contains examples for SBOL Data Model and SBOL Visual. For each SBOL and SBOL visual, we have three types of examples (in the respective subfolder):

Submitting a proposal for a Best Practice

A best practice is a recommendation that helps with harmonisation and synergy within the SBOL community. To submit a proposal for a new Best Practice, we encourage you to submit a BEP - Best practice Enhancement Proposal. To understand the format and associated files in a BEP, please follow the following guide.

Once your BEP is ready, please follow these steps:

Voting on a BEP

Voting and governance procedures for BEPs will follow the same as SEPs. To get the latest details, please see the Voting Procedures in the SBOL website.

If the BEP has been accepted, an SBOL editor will merge the PR with the main branch.

Submitting a new example.

The contents of this repository will be moderated by the SBOL editors to ensure that the examples are organized and accessible. However, we encourage submissions from anyone in the SBOL community.

To submit an example, please ensure you follow these steps:

At this point, you have two options for your submitted example:

  1. If you would like your example to be considered as a curated example, please start a new discussion.
    • Please also include some documentation or description (in the form of a file within the folder of your example) so that the community can understand the context of your example.
    • Additional media like flow charts, UML diagrams, or any image that explains the example is also highly appreciated and encouraged.
    • During the discussion process, the SBOL editors will examine if the example follows the recommended SBOL guidelines and best practices. If so, the example will be moved to the curated-examples sub-folder.
  2. If you simply wish to submit your example (where it remains in the uncurated-examples folder), please indicate this in the Pull Request via comments. The editors will review the PR and merge if appropriate.

How do I check if my SBOL file follows Best Practices?

It may not always be practical or possible to programmatically check if an SBOL file follows a Best Practice. For examples submitted to this repository, the SBOL editors will go through the files to ensure that a file follows best practices.

Any ideas or efforts to help automate the checking of SBOL files for best practices is welcome and appreciated!