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Synapse is a lightweight execution engine for unifying federated data sources and processes. Synapse.Server is the API/daemon for launching/controlling/executing Synapse Plans via Synapse.Controller and Synapse.Node.
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Synapse Server Controller Web API

The Synapse Controller Web API manages enforcing the RBAC, starting, cancelling, and recording/fetching Plan status.

Executing Plans

The Synapse Controller URI is: http://{host:port}/synapse/execute. For detailed method invocation information, see the Swagger URI at: http://{host:port}/swagger/

Verb URI Description
get /synapse/execute/hello Returns "Hello, World!" Does not invoke RBAC or DAL, but does require authentication.
get /synapse/execute/hello/whoami Returns a string of the authenticated user context. Does not invoke RBAC or DAL.
get /synapse/execute/{planUniqueName}/item Returns a Plan by PlanUniqueName.
get /synapse/execute/{planUniqueName}/help Returns Plan Dynamic Parameter information by PlanUniqueName.
get /synapse/execute Returns a list of Plans.
get /synapse/execute/{planUniqueName} Returns a list of Plan Instance Ids.
get /synapse/execute/{planUniqueName}/start Execute a Plan using the URI querystring for dynamic parameters. Returns planInstanceId.
post /synapse/execute/{planUniqueName}/start Execute a Plan with an http post, where dynamic parameters are specified in the http body. Returns planInstanceId.
get /synapse/execute/{planUniqueName}/start/sync Execute a Plan using the URI querystring for dynamic parameters and polls for completion at the server. Includes an embedded call to /part/ and, by default, returns Actions[0]:Result:ExitData. See Using the Part Interface below for more information.
post /synapse/execute/{planUniqueName}/start/sync Execute a Plan with an http post, where dynamic parameters are specified in the http body and polls for completion at the server. Includes an embedded call to /part/ and, by default, returns Actions[0]:Result:ExitData. See Using the Part Interface below for more information.
delete /synapse/execute/{planUniqueName}/{planInstanceId} Cancel a Plan by planInstanceId.
get /synapse/execute/{planUniqueName}/{planInstanceId} Get the status of a Plan by planInstanceId.
post /synapse/execute/{planUniqueName}/{planInstanceId} Update the status of the entire Plan, by planInstanceId.
post /synapse/execute/{planUniqueName}/{planInstanceId}/action Update the status of an individual Action within a Plan, by planInstanceId.
get /synapse/execute/{planUniqueName}/{planInstanceId}/part Select an individual element from within a Plan, specifying the desired return data serialization format. See [Using the Part Interface] below for details.
post /synapse/execute/{planUniqueName}/{planInstanceId}/part Select one or more individual elements from within a Plan, specifying the desired return data serialization format. See [Part] below for details.

Synchronous and Asynchronous Execution Models

Synapse supports two execution models: sync and async. These should not be confused with async/await threading patterns as implemented by client consumers - rather, the models refer to the behavior of the Controller when initiating a Plan.

Synchronous Execution

When executing under the sync interface, the Controller will monitor the Plan for completion and return a subset of the ResultPlan when complete. "Complete" is defined as a Plan Status value of Complete/Success (integer 128) or greater (see below for StatusType detail). Sync execution is most appropriate for short-running Plans where maintaining an open HTTP connection is acceptable.

Sync Execution Options

Parameter Type Required Default Description
planUniqueName string yes none The unique name of the Plan to execute.
dryRun boolean no false Indicates whether to execute the Plan in a "test" mode.
requestNumber string no none Optional self-provided tracking number for this current Plan execution.
path string no Actions[0]:Result:ExitData The subsection of the ResultPlan to return when the Plan completes. See Path Syntax for details.
serializationType SerializationType no SerializationType.Json Takes the output from path above and validates it can be parsed according to the SerializationType and returns it as such.
setContentType boolean no true Optionally sets the HTTP Response header for Content-Type to match the SerializationType.
pollingIntervalSeconds int no 1 Specifies time interval, in seconds, for how often the Controller polls for Plan completion.
timeoutSeconds int no 120 Specifies the time interval, in seconds, for how long the Controller will continues polling for Plan completion. If the timeout elapses the Controller will throw a timeout exception but that does not affect Plan execution - you may continue to poll for status manually following a timeout.
nodeRootUrl string no none Optional value to override the default Node for Plan execution. Specify as http://{host:port}/synapse/node.

Example GET/POST



StatusType Values

StatusType values are part of the Synapse Core project. The values below are current as of the last update to this documentation, but for the most recent values, please check the SynapseProject GitHub page.

namespace Synapse.Core
    public enum StatusType
        None = 0,
        New = 1,
        Initializing = 2,
        Running = 4,
        Waiting = 8,
        Cancelling = 16,
        Complete = 128,
        Success = 128,
        CompletedWithErrors = 256,
        SuccessWithErrors = 256,
        Failed = 512,
        Cancelled = 1024,
        Tombstoned = 2048,
        Any = 16383

Path Syntax

Selecting Plan elements requires a rooted path, expressed as shown below. If an element is part of a list, use a index specifier.


SerializationType Values

StatusType values are part of the Synapse Core project. The values below are current as of the last update to this documentation, but for the most recent values, please check the SynapseProject GitHub page.

namespace Synapse.Core
    public enum SerializationType
        Yaml = 0,
        Xml = 1,
        Json = 2,
        Html = 3,
        Unspecified = 4

YAML/JSON/XML will attempt to parse the element data into the specified format before returning it. "Unspecified" will return the data, as-is.

Asynchronous Execution

When executing under the async interface, the Controller will immediately return a plan instance Id back to the caller and close the HTTP connection. To know when the Plan has completed, create a manual poller (example) and use the API endpoints for status as shown below. Asynchronous execution is most appropriate for long-running Plans where maintaining an open HTTP connection is inappropriate. When using async execution, you will need to manually poll for Plan completion via the planInstanceId, which may be accomplished through two interface options, as described below.

Async Execution Options

Parameter Type Required Default Description
planUniqueName string yes none The unique name of the Plan to execute.
dryRun boolean no false Indicates whether to execute the Plan in a "test" mode.
requestNumber string no none Optional self-provided tracking number for this current Plan execution.
nodeRootUrl string no none Optional value to override the default Node for Plan execution. Specify as http://{host:port}/synapse/node.

Example GET/POST



Example Manual Poller

public static StatusType GetStatus(string planName, long id, int pollingIntervalSeconds = 1, int timeoutSeconds = 120)
    //ensure valid values
    pollingIntervalSeconds = pollingIntervalSeconds < 1 ? 1 : pollingIntervalSeconds;
    timeoutSeconds = timeoutSeconds < 1 ? 120 : timeoutSeconds;

    int c = 0;
    StatusType status = StatusType.New;
    while( c < timeoutSeconds )
        Thread.Sleep( pollingIntervalSeconds * 1000 );
        //pseudo-code: status = fetch from whole ResultPlan or part interface
        c = status < StatusType.Success ? c + 1 : int.MaxValue;

    return status;

Getting Plan Status with PlanInstanceId

When manually fetching Plan status, you may choose to retrieve the entire ResultPlan or a specified subsection via the \part interface.

Getting the Entire ResultPlan

One way to fetch Status is via getting the entire ResultPlan. When polling, the ResultPlan will not contain status for every Action until the Plan Status is >= Complete. To retrieve the ResultPlan, execute an HTTP GET to:

Then, parse the Plan and get the Plan.Result.Status.

Getting Subsections of the ResultPlan with the /part Interface

The Synapse Controller /part interface is designed to allow selection of one or more individual Plan elements, serialized into a specific format. This is useful when seeking efficiency of data interrogation or when serializing data to a specific format. This capability is embedded in Synchronous Plan execution and is the method by which data is returned.

Parameter Type Required Default Description
path string yes Actions[0]:Result:ExitData The subsection of the ResultPlan to return when the Plan completes. See Path Syntax for details.
serializationType SerializationType no SerializationType.Json Takes the output from path above and validates it can be parsed according to the SerializationType and returns it as such.
setContentType boolean no true Optionally sets the HTTP Response header for Content-Type to match the SerializationType.

Example GET



Example POST

  "Type": "Json",
  "ElementPaths": [

Dynamic Parameters

Synapse Controller accepts dynamic Plan parameters in both GET and POST operations, as follows below.

Dynamic Parameters with GET

The general URI signature for starting a Plan via GET is:

where dryRun and requestNumber are reserved by Synapse as built-in parameters. Every other key/value pair on the URL is passed-through to the Plan as a custom/dynamic parameter.

GET Example:

Dynamic Parameters with POST

As with a GET, the URI for a POST remains:

but sending dynamic parameters is accomplished in the http request via the DynamicParameters key/value pair wrapper structure.

POST Example

  "DynamicParameters": {
    "key0": "value0",
    "key1": "value1",
    "key2": "value2"

Synapse Server Node Web API

The Synapse Node Web API manages Plan runtime execution. For information about configuration, see Controller/Node Setup.

About Synapse Node Security

Generally, Synapse Nodes can run as Anonymous, but they should always implement the SignPlan/VerifyPlanSignature construct to guarantee Plans are invoked by authorized users from authorized Controllers. You may apply additional security setup, such as higher levels of authentication or SSL/TLS, if desired.

Executing Plans

The Synapse Node URI is: http://{host:port}/synapse/node. For detailed method invocation information, see the Swagger URI at: http://{host:port}/swagger/

Verb URI Description
get /synapse/node/hello Returns "Hello, World!" Does not invoke a Handler, but does require authentication.
get /synapse/node/hello/whoami Returns a string of the authenticated user context. Does not invoke a Handler.
get /synapse/node/hello/about Returns the server configuration (synapse.server.config.yaml) and an inventory of files for this server instance.
delete /synapse/node/{planInstanceId} Cancels a Plan by planInstanceId. Note: Plan Handlers must detect a request to Cancel and exit gracefully. Synapse Node does not forcefully abort Plan execution at this time.
post /synapse/node/{planInstanceId} Starts a Plan using the URI querystring for dynamic parameters.
post /synapse/node/{planInstanceId}/p Starts a Plan with an http post, where dynamic parameters are specified in the http body.
get /synapse/node/drainstop Pauses the Node from accepting new Plans for execution, allows the existing queue of Plans to complete. Optionally Stops the Service when fully drainstopped.
get /synapse/node/drainstop/cancel Returns the Node to normal execution. This command is only effective before the queue is fully drained when drainstop->shutdown = true.
get /synapse/node/drainstop/iscomplete Returns the queue drainstop status.
get /synapse/node/queue/count Returns the number of items in the execution queue.
get /synapse/node/queue Returns a list of Plans in the execution queue.
get /synapse/node/update Invokes AutoUpdate, which will stop the server, refresh the binaries, and then optionally restart the server.
get /synapse/node/update/logs Fetches a list of AutoUpdate logs.
get /synapse/node/update/logs/{name} Fetches a specific AutoUpdate log.