Sync-Space-49 / syncspace-server

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SyncSpace Server

What Does it Do 🤔

Syncspace backend is the REST API that handles all communication between the frontend and backend services. It handles all data storage and retrieval for the project. It also handles authentication and authorization for the project ultilizing JSON Web Tokens.

Where can I try it out?

This code is deployed on Google Cloud, accessible at the following link:

The hosted version responds to the calls for the hosted Web and Mobile versions. This live instance also interacts with a personally hosted PostgreSQL database and a live instance of our AI layer.

👩‍💻 Local Development

Installation ⚒️

To run this project, you will need to have Go 1.20 installed. This also hooks into a postgres database to store data.

To install this project, simply clone the repository using git:

For SSH (Recommended):

git clone


git clone

Configuration ⚙️

When initally getting setup you will need to create a .env file in the root directory based on the .env.sample file. The main portion you will need to setup for local development is your Postgres password and DB name.

Running 🚀

You can download the project's Go dependencies using the go get command. To run the project, use go run main.go; this will spin up a server on the url specified in API_HOST. Whenever you make changes to the code, you will need to restart the server (ctrl+c in the terminal kills the current process) to see the changes. When making changes to dependencies, you will need to run go mod tidy to update the go.mod file then use go get -u to fetch the latest versions of the dependencies listed in the go.mod file.

Compiling 🏗️

To compile the project to a binary executable, you can run go build in the root directory. This is useful for deploying the project but not usually needed for local development.