Syndace / python-omemo

An open python implementation of the OMEMO Multi-End Message and Object Encryption protocol.
MIT License
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A Python implementation of the OMEMO Multi-End Message and Object Encryption protocol.

A complete implementation of XEP-0384 on protocol-level, i.e. more than just the cryptography. python-omemo supports different versions of the specification through so-called backends. A backend for OMEMO in the urn:xmpp:omemo:2 namespace (the most recent version of the specification) is available in the python-twomemo Python package. A backend for (legacy) OMEMO in the eu.siacs.conversations.axolotl namespace is available in the python-oldmemo package. Multiple backends can be loaded and used at the same time, the library manages their coexistence transparently.


Install the latest release using pip (pip install OMEMO) or manually from source by running pip install . in the cloned repository.

Testing, Type Checks and Linting

python-omemo uses pytest as its testing framework, mypy for static type checks and both pylint and Flake8 for linting. All tests/checks can be run locally with the following commands:

$ pip install --upgrade pytest pytest-asyncio pytest-cov mypy pylint flake8
$ pip install --upgrade twisted twomemo[xml] oldmemo[xml]
$ mypy --strict --disable-error-code str-bytes-safe omemo/ examples/ tests/
$ pylint omemo/ examples/ tests/
$ flake8 omemo/ examples/ tests/
$ pytest --cov=omemo --cov-report term-missing:skip-covered

Getting Started

Refer to the documentation on, or build/view it locally in the docs/ directory. To build the docs locally, install the requirements listed in docs/requirements.txt, e.g. using pip install -r docs/requirements.txt, and then run make html from within the docs/ directory. The documentation can then be found in docs/_build/html/.

The file contains an overview of supported functionality/use cases, mostly targeted at developers.