Synkevych / dockerize-simflex

Flexpart 10.4 conternization with SIMFLEX (Source Inversion ModuleFLEXPART)
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flexpart flexpart-model


Flexpart containerization with simflex. SIMFLEX – Source Inversion Module-FLEXPART.
To make Flexpart work you should install all required libraries and provide the required inputs. This project is created to make it easy and isolated from your work environment.


FLEXPART (“FLEXible PARTicle dispersion model”) is a Lagrangian transport and dispersion model suitable for simulating a large range of atmospheric transport processes. Apart from transport and turbulent diffusion, it is able to simulate dry and wet deposition, decay, linear chemistry; it can be used in forward or backward mode, with defined sources, or in a domain-filling setting. It can be used from local to global scale.

How to test that docker image work

Tested for compatibility with 3 cores; if more than 3 cores are provided, an error will occur after the first calculation. In OpenStack, you can utilize $(nproc) to utilize all available cores.

# Assuming you are in the root folder of the git repository
cp -rf flexpart_v10.4/test 1;
docker build -t simflex:beta -f Dockerfile .;
cd 1;
mkdir results;
docker run --privileged -d -v "$PWD":/data/ -v "$PWD/results/":/series/ --name calculation_$(basename "$(pwd)") simflex:beta

How parsing works

  1. Creating COMMAND file for Flexpart inputs

Command file

  1. Creating OUTGRID file for flexpart inputs

Outgrid file

  1. Creating simflexinp.nml and measurem.csv for simflex inputs

Simflexinp.nml file

  1. Creating RELEASES file for flexpart on each iteration

Releases file

  1. Creating or updating table_srs_paths.txt file for simflex on each iteration

Table_srs_paths file

How to use

  1. Build the image locally in the dockerize-simflex folder: docker build -t simflex:v1 .
  2. Prepare input data for the calculation. Create a folder for example 1 and input inside it, then put there two files: measurements.txt and options.xml, also create folder series for Flexpart output in the same path that 1 has.
  3. Run the calculations by running the container using created image and input data, to run container on all available CPUs use --privileged argument: docker run --privileged -d -v --name=simflex "$PWD":/data/ simflex:v1
  4. To connect to the running container use: docker exec -it simflex /bin/bash
  5. After calculations simflex output files will be located in data/output/Nuclide-name, these folders are generated by simflex.
  6. Delete container, all data inside the container will be lost: docker rm --volumes simflex

Description of the processes inside the container: As input data used two files: measurements.txt and options.xml which are located in the /data/input/ folder. The main script will parse these files and create all required files for Flexpart and Simflex. After that, the calculation will start. The output data will be located in the /data/output/ and /series/series_id/ folders. After the calculation is complete, the container will be stopped. All process logs will be located in the /data/calculations.log file or you can use docker logs -t container_id command.

Other useful commands:
Copy grib file to the docker container if you have them locally: `docker cp /path/grib.tar.gz container_id:/data/grib_data/` Interact with an image without calculation (all changes and data will be lost after you disconnect): `docker run --rm -it --entrypoint bash simflex:v1` Connect to the container without calculations(for example test purpose): `docker run -it --name simflex --entrypoint /bin/bash simflex:v1` Copy files/folders from the container to current local locations: `docker cp simflex:/data/calculation .` If the calculation didn't complete successfully use the logs file to understand the problem: `docker logs -t simflex` All calculations are also available on your machine(tested on Linux) because we copy all calculations to volume, but first, you need to get volumes ID: `docker container inspect simflex | grep Source | awk -F\" '{print $4}'` Simflex output files inside the container will be located in the `/data/output/Nuclide-name/`, use this value as a path to your folder with all information: ![volumes name and folders](/docs/volume_location.png) Delete image: `docker image rm simflex:v1` Delete all images that are not used: `docker image prune -f` Increase performance by adding more cores and memory `docker inspect 345cb4176398 | grep Source` get the path where the input data is located `head ../input/measurements.txt | grep '^99;1;8' && head ../../4/input/measurements.txt | grep '^4;1;8'` - different between two files `docker rm $(docker ps -q --filter "status=exited")` remove all exited containers

Changes from the origin

Changes in Flexpart

  1. File
141 - integer,parameter :: nxmax=361,nymax=181,nuvzmax=138,nwzmax=138,nzmax=138
141 + integer,parameter :: nxmax=721,nymax=361,nuvzmax=138,nwzmax=138,nzmax=138 ! 0.5 degree 138 level

198 - integer,parameter :: maxreceptor=20 ! maximum number of receptor points
198 + integer,parameter :: maxreceptor=200

207 - integer,parameter :: maxpart=100000 ! Maximum number of particles
207 + integer,parameter :: maxpart=7500000

208 -  integer,parameter :: maxspec=1 ! Maximum number of chemical species per release
208 + integer,parameter :: maxspec=6
  1. File in line 75 added the following:
INCPATH1 = /usr/include
INCPATH2 = /usr/include
LIBPATH1 = /usr/lib
F90 = gfortran

Parallelizing using Message Passing Interface (MPI)

The model scales well up to using 256 processors, with a parallel efficiency greater than 75 % for up to 64 processes on multiple nodes in runs with very large numbers of particles. The deviation from 100 % efficiency is almost entirely due to the remaining nonparallelized parts of the code, suggesting a large potential for further speedup. A new turbulence scheme for the convective boundary layer has been developed that considers the skewness in the vertical velocity distribution (updrafts and downdrafts) and vertical gradients in air density. FLEXPART is the only model available considering both effects, making it highly accurate for small-scale applications, e.g., to quantify dispersion in the vicinity of a point source.

Open Multi-Processing (OpenMP)

make [-j] mpi ncf=yes - Compile parallel FLEXPART_MPI
make [-j] serial ncf=yes - Compile serial FLEXPART

Performance test

Where System Type Model name CPU(s) RAM Loutstep Parts Calc Times
Docker macOS MPI Apple M1(ARM64) 8 8Gb 3600 10000 1d, 18:26:27.673187
Docker Ubuntu 18.04.4 Serial Intel Xeon CPU E5335 2.0GHs(15) 8 15.66GiB 3600 10000 17:40:18.740042
Docker Windows 10 Serial Intel Core i5-8250U 1.6GHs(142) 8 16Gb 3600 10000 10:53:27.204476
Docker Ubuntu 18.04.4 MPI Intel Xeon CPU E5335 2.0GHs(15) 8 15.66GiB 3600 10000 3:44:23.769362
Docker Windows 10 MPI Intel Core i5-8250U 1.6GHs(142) 4 10Gb 3600 10000 1:47:01.369211
Docker Windows 10 MPI Intel Core i5-8250U 1.6GHs(142) 8 16Gb 3600 10000 1:45:34.842323
Server Ubuntu 18.04 MPI Intel Xeon Gold 6240 2.6GHz(85) 72 187G 3600 10000 1:02:03.195422

Serial - single core, MPI – multiply core using open-mpi
CPUs value shows all cores virtual and real


Command docker inspect -f '{{.State.ExitCode}}' container_name. If the container after calculation has ExitCode 0 then everything is ok, if ExitCode 1 then something went wrong while calculation, container should be restarted, if ExitCode 2 then something went wrong with user files and user should be informed about it.

Flexpart v10.4 instalation process
FLEXPART installation notes