SystemParadox / triplet

triple-quoted string transformer
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Triple-quoted strings for everyone!

Here-documents and multiline strings done right.

This is a simple source-source transformer for python-style triple-quoted strings. It can be used standalone or as an input preprocessor to another compiler (e.g. babel, sweetjs).


JavaScript is lacking when it comes to raw string literals, especially for multi-line strings. ES6 template strings (delimited by single-backticks) are a great improvement, but still have some issues:

Correct indentation

Both ES6 template strings and Python triple-quoted strings take everything between the opening and closing quotes literally and exactly, without consideration for the starting indentation:

function fail() {
    return `

// equivalent to
function fail() {
    return "\n        foo\n        bar\n    ";

Notice the leading newline plus n levels of indentation, and trailing newline with n-1 levels of indentation. In other words, a complete mess.

With triplet, the indentation is taken into account:

function nice() {
    return """

// equivalent to
function nice() {
    return "foo\nbar\n";

Additional indentation within the string is preserved:

function other() {
    return """

// equivalent to
function other() {
    return "foo\n    bar\nbaz";

The rules are as follows:


This is purposely designed to be simple as possible, with minimal knowledge of the language concerned. It can be used for any language, provided it conforms to the following rules:

Use it standalone for plain Javascript, or as an input preprocessor for sweetjs, 6to5, babel, etc. You could even use it for C or Java!

Regular expressions

A special case must be made to support Javascript's regular expressions, because they may contain quotes and brackets. A parser strictly conforming to the ECMAScript specification requires contextual information and full understanding of the language. However, it is possible to parse 95% of real-world cases without this. By adding knowledge of return and if, it is possible to increase this to 99%. The other 1% is stupid and results in runtime errors anyway.

When a / is encountered, the parser will look back to determine whether it should be parsed as a regex or not:

This deviates from the ECMAScript specification for the following cases:

A huge thanks to the mozilla/sweet.js folks for their excellent work on this.

JSX support

New in version 1.2.0

JSX support has also been added, but must be explicitly requested with the --jsx command line option (or jsx: true for API usage).

Line numbers / source maps

Triplet preserves line numbering such that source maps should be unnecessary. Output strings are padded with newlines accordingly:

x = """


x =


Command line

triplet [file]


var triplet = require('triplet');
triplet(input, options);



All feedback, bug reports or pull requests will be much appreciated! Please open an issue on github.