Systems-Methods / consensusNetR

construction of consensus networks as per L Cantini et al (with additional options)
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consensusNetR is an R Package for combining networks into a consensus network based on the work of Laura Cantini and Andrei Zinovyev. In addition to identifying consensus based on correlation of community meta-genes (loadings or membership scores), we also implement methods based on overlap.


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Example Workflow

This example will create a consensus network from three public datasets: GSE39582, TCGA COAD, and TCGA READ

This example workflow begins with icWGCNA results, however alternative methods work as well (KNN, PCA, ICA, WGCNA). See Example Appendix for downloading data and icWGCNA run details and code.

Consensus construction

# Create list of community_membership object
memb_list <- list(
  GSE39582 = GSE39582_icwgcna$community_membership,
  READ = read_icwgcna$community_membership,
  COAD = coad_icwgcna$community_membership

# Construct Meta Reciprocal Best Hits based on overlaps (318 communities found)
rbh <- construct_rbh_overlap_based(memb_list, top_n = 25)
## 318

# RBH Heatmap Creation
plot_rbh(rbh = rbh, network_membership_list = memb_list)
Reciprocal Best Hits Heatmap
# Detect Communities in Adjacency/Reciprocal Best Hits Matrix
consensus_comms <- detect_consensus_communities(rbh)
# showing the first 10 communities 
#note community 1 is a miscellaneous and will be removed
##    1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10 
##  200   3   3   3   3   3   3   3   3   3 

# Compute the average metagene across studies for each community
consensus_memb <- calc_consensus_memberships(consensus_comms, memb_list)

Downstream Analysis

consensus_genes <- get_gene_community_membership(consensus_comms, memb_list, 2)
##    gene_id cluster n_studies
##  1    A1BG      43         2
##  2     A2M       1         2
##  3    AACS      19         2
##  4   AAGAB      25         2
##  5   AASDH      40         2
##  6    AASS      42         2

# Need to use icWGCNA for individual eigengenes
GSE39582_eigen <- icWGCNA::compute_eigengene_matrix(
  ex = GSE39582_df,
  membership_matrix = consensus_memb
read_eigen <- icWGCNA::compute_eigengene_matrix(
  ex = read_df,
  membership_matrix = consensus_memb
coad_eigen <- icWGCNA::compute_eigengene_matrix(
  ex = coad_df,
  membership_matrix = consensus_memb

eigen_list <- list(GSE39582_eigen, read_eigen, coad_eigen)
Individual Eigengene Distributions

Example Appendix

Downloading data For GSE39582 we need to convert from Affymetrix Human Genome U133 Plus 2.0 Array to gene symbols, by using the `icWGCNA::gene_mapping()` function. This matches with the two TCGA datasets already in gene symbols. ``` r library(icWGCNA) # GSE39582 GSE39582 <- GEOquery::getGEO("GSE39582") # TCGA READ UCSCXenaTools::getTCGAdata( project = "READ", mRNASeq = TRUE, mRNASeqType = "normalized", clinical = TRUE, download = TRUE, destdir = "/MY_PATH/data/" ) # TCGA COAD UCSCXenaTools::getTCGAdata( project = "COAD", mRNASeq = TRUE, mRNASeqType = "normalized", clinical = TRUE, download = TRUE, destdir = "/MY_PATH/data/" ) ```
Preprocessing steps All datasets must have consistent annotation (i.e. Gene symbols, Entrez, Ensembl, …). In this example we will convert GSE39582 to gene symbols using the [icWGCNA::gene_mapping()]( function. ``` r # creating annotation file for gene mapping to gene symbols GSE39582_annotation <- GSE39582@featureData@data |> dplyr::select(ID, gene_symbol = `Gene Symbol`) |> dplyr::mutate( gene_symbol = purrr::map( gene_symbol, ~ stringr::str_split(.x, " /// ")[[1]] ) ) %>% tidyr::unnest(gene_symbol) GSE39582_hugo <- icWGCNA::gene_mapping( GSE39582@assayData$exprs, GSE39582_annotation, compress_fun = "highest_mean", compress_trans = "log_exp" ) ``` All data should be normalized, however in this example we downloaded the normalized data so no transformations needed here.
icWGCNA runs For icWGCNA runs using defaults, except reducing max iterations to 5 for demonstration purposes. These runs benefit greatly by using multiple computer cores. ``` r # GSE39582 GSE39582_icwgcna <- icWGCNA::icwgcna(GSE39582_hugo, maxIt = 5) # TCGA READ read_icwgcna <- icWGCNA::icwgcna(read_df, maxIt = 5) # TCGA COAD coad_icwgcna <- icWGCNA::icwgcna(coad_df, maxIt = 5) ```

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Please note that the icWGCNA project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.