Szarp / substitutions

MIT License
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This repository provides a nodejs server downloading substitutions from * sites and presenting them on mobile-friendly website and sending them on Messenger.


How to configure your server.

Setting up HTTPS

Your certificates and key should be placed in certs/ and named wsskey.pem (key), wsscert.pem (certificate) and cacert.pem (CA certificate).

If you don't have SSL certificates you can generate them for free using Let's encrypt

Config file

You have to add a config file to myModules/. It contains data necessary to interact with Facebook.

It should look like this:

var config = {};
config.clientId = '1xxxxxxxxxxxxxx2'; //App id - displayed in app dashboard on
config.url='https://your.url'; //website url (main, used to interact with Facebook)
config.appSecret='4xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxc'; //App secret displayed in app dashboard
config.appToken='0xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxQ'; //App token - see below
config.webhookToken='WebhookVerificationToken'; //used to verify url of your webhook - more below
config.pageToken='Exxxx...xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxF'; //Page access token - see below
config.adm1='1xxxxxxxxxxxxxx1'; //1st adminitrator messenger id (new message and new user notifications)
config.adm2='1xxxxxxxxxxxxxx8'; //2nd adminitrator messenger id (new message notifications)
config.pageId = '5xxxxxxxxxxx5'; //Page id as which bot responds (can be found on
config.db = 'myDBName'; //name of MongoDB database used for storing data
config.HTMLloc = '/path/to/folder'; //Path to folder with Vulcan substituitions in HTML (only when using vulcan.js module)
config.classes = ["2GA", "2GB", "3GA", "3GB", "etc."]; //Array of classes (currently used only by vulcan.js)
config.classrooms = ["POŚ", "PJA", "PA2", "..."]; //Array of classroom names which are not numbers (only vulcan.js)
module.exports = config; //allow other modules to access your config

Read how to generate app token.

Read how to setup a webhook and get a page access token.


To install all required modules run:

$ npm install


To start a server (listening on port 8080) run:

$ node index.js


$ npm start


See the LICENSE (MIT).

Facebook docs

Facebook login datasheet.

Messenger bot.