T-101 / party.darklite.org

You'll never travel alone - Even if you'd want to.
MIT License
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You'll never travel alone.

Even if you'd want to.


  1. copy .env-example to .env and change settings needed for deployment
  2. copy .db-env-example to .db-env and change settings needed
  3. copy app/.env-example to app/.env and change settings needed for the app
  4. docker compose build
  5. docker compose run --rm app python3 manage.py migrate to initialize the db
  6. docker compose run --rm app python3 manage.py createsuperuser to create the superuser
  7. docker compose run --rm app python3 manage.py collectstatic --no-input to get static files in the correct places
  8. docker compose up -d to deploy to localhost:8000