pyHCA and hcatk (HCA toolkit) are a python library and executable for the Hydrophobic Cluster Analysis of protein sequences. pyHCA implements various class and function for handling sequences and analyses them hcatk provides off the hands set of program to perform hydrophobic cluster analyses.
A quick install can be perform using:
pip3 install .
The 'domOnTree' functionality of hcatk requires that ete3, and therefore PyQt4, are installed. However, the ete3 can be difficult to install as some features requires PyQt4 and sip. Please refer to the official ete3 insallation guidelines for any support. On Mac OS X, you will also need to install XQuartz to use ete3, please refer to .
If you do not plan to use this feature you can proceed to the installation without PyQt4 and ete3.
We recommend you to work on a conda virtual environment to properly build the non Python extention of the ete3 package and afterward install pyHCA in this new environment.
A Dockerfile is also available to install the executable inside a container:
docker build -t hcatk .
docker run hcatk -h
docker run --rm -v /path/to/data:/data hcatk draw -i /data/orc1.fasta -o /data/orc1_output.svg
Currently ete3/PyQt4 don't seem to be properly installed using this method, therefore the 'domOnTree' is not available if hcatk is built using docker.
download and install conda from miniconda website using the correct installer (64 bits / 32 bits, MacOSC / Linux):
on MacOSX
on Linux (64 bits installer)
create a virtual environment and switch to the environment
conda create -n test_pyHCA python=3.6 pip
source activate test_pyHCA
and install pyqt4 before running pyHCA installer
conda install -n test_pyHCA pyqt=4.11.4
cd <path to pyHCA directory>
pip install .
Predict protein disorder at the amino acid level using HCA and physico-chemical features from AAIndex
$ hcatk dispred -h
usage: hcatk dispred [-h] -i FASTAFILE -o OUTPUTFILE -m MODEL [--verbose]
-h, --help show help message and exit
required arguments:
-i FASTAFILE the fasta file
-o OUTPUTFILE output file in svg format
-m MODEL model to use
optional arguments:
-v --verbose print information
$ hcatk dispred -i data/orc1.fasta -o data/orc1.allowDSoverlap.txt -m pyHCA/model_weights/allowDSoverlap.h5
Models allowDSoverlap.h5
and noDSoverlap.h5
can be found in the pyHCA/model_weights/
directory of the github repository.
Output format:
The output is formated in a fasta like file, with an header storing the protein name
followed by four columns (index, amino acid, score, prediction: 0=ordered, 1=disordered)
1 M 0.202 0
2 V 0.223 0
3 N 0.270 1
4 K 0.292 1
5 E 0.353 1
6 N 0.450 1
7 A 0.312 1
Use the composition in hydrophobic cluster of a sequence to detect domains.
$ hcatk segment -h
usage: hcatk segment [-h] -i INPUTF -o OUTPUTF [-v]
[-m {cluster,domain}]
[-t {aminoacid,nucleotide}]
-h, --help show help message and exit
required arguments:
-i INPUTF an amino-acid sequence files in fasta format
-o OUTPUTF the output file with annotation
optional arguments:
-v keep temporary results
-m {cluster,domain} method to use, cluster: will report *the hydrophobic
clusters found in the sequence, domain: will delineate
domains based on the hydrophobic cluster profile of
the sequence
-t {aminoacid,nucleotide}
the type of the biological sequences passed in the
input file
$ hcatk segment -i data/orc1.fasta -o data/orc1.hca -m domain
Output Format:
The output is formated in a fasta like style, with an header storing the protein name, size and HCA score over the full protein sequence:
>protein_name protein_size protein_hca_score
followed by four columns:
domain 524 527 nan 9.5
domain 552 923 0.0032921164246364487 2.3978494623655915
cluster 1 2 11
cluster 10 17 10001011
cluster 23 23 1
The first column correspond to the hca element identified, either a domain or a cluster. The second and third columns correspond to the start and stop (indexed from 1 to the sequence length) of the hca element. The fourth column either corresponds to a p-value if the element is a hca domain or to the hydrophobic cluster in binary mode if the element is a cluster. The p-value of the domain is computed against a reference distribution made of intrinsically disordered proteins and describe the "degree of foldability" associated to the hca domain element. A nan value is returned if the domain has less than 30 residues. The fourth column corresponds to the HCA score of the domain sequence.
/!\ Warning /!\
HCA scores are provided for the whole protein sequence and domain with less than 30 amino acids for information only. The scores and p-values associated where designed on globular protein domains and intrinsically disordered regions of comparable lengths and with more than 30 amino acids.
Draw the HCA diagram of a sequence. Optionnaly, can display the domain annotation of a sequence if provied.
$ hcatk draw -h
usage: hcatk draw [-h] -i FASTAFILE [-w WINDOW] [-d DOMAIN] [-f {pfam,seghca}]
[--color-msa {rainbow,identity}] -o OUTPUTFILE
-h, --help show help message and exit
required arguments:
-i FASTAFILE the fasta file
-o OUTPUTFILE output file in svg format
optional arguments:
-w WINDOW sequence len before breaking the sequence to the next
plot (-1 the whole sequence are used, minimum size is
-d DOMAIN [optionnal] provide domain annoation
-f {pfam,seghca} the domain file format
--cons-msa {aa,hca} method to use to compare sequences (aa, hca)
$ hcatk draw -i data/PF00533_sub.txt -o data/PF00533_sub.svg --cons-msa aa
Output Format:
The output is a svg text file and can be vizualised using any svg viewer (inkscape, modern web browser ...).
Use Tremolo-HCA to find remote homologous proteins with domain context.
$ hcatk tremolo -h
usage: hcatk [-h] -i INPUTFASTA [-d DOMAINS [DOMAINS ...]]
[-w WORKDIR] [--pp2ipr P2IPR] [--cpnfig CONFIGFILE]
[-o OUTPUT] --target-db
-h, --help show help message and exit
required arguments:
-i INPUTFASTA input fasta file
-o OUTPUT output file
-w WORKDIR working directory
optional arguments:
-d DOMAINS [DOMAINS ...] list of domain positions (start and stop inclusive
and separated by comma : -d 1,10 20,30 60,100.
If not provided the search will be performed on
each domain found after segmentation of the input
sequence. To use the whole protein use -d all.
--p2ipr P2IPR path to the Interpro annotation of UniproKB proteins,
gzip format supported.
-config CONFIGFILE path to the configuration file for optional arguments
--target-db HTARGETDB path to the target sequences database
$ echo "using hhblits"
$ hcatk tremolo -i data/orc1.fasta -d 10,143 --p2ipr data/protein2ipr.dat.gz --config tremolo_config.ini --target-db hhsuite/uniprot20_2016_02/uniprot20_2016_02 -o data/orc1_tremolo.txt -w tremolo_tmp
Output Format:
Tremolo output format is made of multiple parts.
A header part storing the protein sequence information used as query:
Qname protein_sequence_name
Qdesc protein_description
Qseq protein_sequence
Qdom domain_index domain_start domain_stop
If multiple domains were given as query (through the -d option), multiple Qdom fields will be present:
Qdom 1 10 50
Qdom 2 60 80
The header is followed by a two summaries of the results. The first summary give for each hit of each query domain, the name of the protein target, the id of the hit (in case of multiple hits per target) , the domain arrangement of the protein target (with interpro ID and domain specific ID spearated by a "/"), the e-value and the bit-score of the hit. The second summary give some information on the protein domain arrangement diversity associated with the domain query. The second summary fields start with "INFO" and look like:
INFO 1 IPR001025/PF01426;IPR001025/SM00439;IPR001025/PS51038 11
After the header and the summary, a detailled description of the results are provided per domain query sorted by domain arrangement and protein target:
## <- start of a domain arrangement results
>protein_target protein_size
Qdom 1 IPR001025/PS51038 167 286 <- Qdom <query domain index> <interpro domain/db specific name> <start> <stop>
Qdom 1 IPR001025/SM00439 167 286 <- Qdom <query domain index> <interpro domain/db specific name> <start> <stop>
Qdom 1 IPR001025/PF01426 168 261 <- ...
Qdom 1 IPR008395/PF05641 386 459
Qdom 1 IPR014002/SM00743 466 524
Hit 1 0 7e-06 97.16 79.55 17.0 0.195 <- Hit <query domain index> <hit index, starts from 0 and increase if multiple hits> <HHblits e-value> <HHblits proba score> <HHblits bit-score> <identity> <similarity>
HitQali 1 0 22 134 HKNVYFYQKCIYGPLTLSVGDFILVSNADAAE ... <- HitQali <query domain index> <hit index> <hit start> <hit stop> <sequence>
HitQcon 1 0 22 134 ~k~~~fy~kc~~~~~~i~vGdfVLIen~D~ae ...
HitTcon 1 0 154 248 gKqLkHYpsFcRNGtTI~VqSFVfVMake--- ...
// <---- End of a hit
## <---- End / beginning of domain arrangement
>tr|V5HB40|V5HB40_IXORI 420
Qdom 1 IPR001025/PS51038 1 103
Hit 1 0 7.9e-06 97.21 74.04 22.0 0.412
HitQcon 1 0 77 134 ~~~krA~VQWfsR~~eiP~~kr~ll~r~~~~ ...
HitTcon 1 0 7 63 kdhrfvtvqwylrvtelpptqqgrlghcdyf ...
// <---- End of a hit but next target hit is a different protein but with the same domain arrangement so no double # symbol
>tr|H2ZNF4|H2ZNF4_CIOSA 222
Qdom 1 IPR001025/PS51038 53 176
Hit 1 0 3.7e-05 96.89 65.49 21.0 0.288
HitQcon 1 0 36 133 ~~i~vGdfVLIen~D~aepd~~d~~~VAki~ ...
HitTcon 1 0 54 139 nlisigdgvviacges-----kqdfylaqvs ...
Vizualise Tremolo-HCA results on a taxonomic tree with protein domain arrangement information
$ hcatk domOnTree -h
usage: hcatk [-h] [-i TREMOLORES] [-t TREEFILE] [-s PROT2SPECIES]
-h, --help show help message and exit
required arguments:
-i TREMOLORES tremolo results with domain matchs
-o OUTPUT phylogenetic tree with tremolo hits
optional arguments:
-t TREEFILE phylogenetic tree with node as ncbi taxonomic ids
-s PROT2SPECIES file with prot to species informations
list of node for which leaves will be merged (internal
node need to be in tree)
$ hcatk domOnTree -i data/tremolo_result.txt -o data/tremolo_result.pdf
Output Format:
The output is a pdf file representing the domain arrangement of each sequence associated with the protein domain query used in tremolo. Each sequence is positioned on a taxonomic tree according to the species to which the sequence belongs to.
The interpo domain annoation can be downloaded at: wget
HHblits of the HH-suite package can be downlad at (v3 or higher): git clone
And the uniprot hhblits compatible database at: