T-J-Summer / Final-Project

This Is My final project
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My Final Project for NCH

This Is My final project, for the Uni 12 week Bootcamp. I will be looking at wheather education is impacted by the economic situation of a country. I did all of my data sourcing from Google BigQuery, and analysed the data in DeepNote and Google BigQuery.

Google BigQuery My Deepnote

Table of contents


In this project i am going to be looking at multiple datasets from the World Bank, in order to answer my question of does a economic situation of a country affect their rate of education.

What are the project requirements?

This project has a set of requirements. I have listed them below and will review them at the end of the project to show how I have completed them:

I have decided to get my data from BigQuery public datasets because I wanted to test a hypothesis that I initially formulated:

"the quality of education positively affects the economic and social success of a country."

I have chosen to use Standard SQL language to obtain and filter my initial dataset as it would make my subsequent data exploration in Pandas faster. Moreover, BigQuery's SQL engine is powerful, which could also reduce the time I would spend exploring the initial data. I have chosen to look at the World Bank international education dataset via BigQuery. The dataset has the necessary statistics, e.g., the student population in each country, and covers all the countries in 2022 and the different school sectors, e.g., Secondary, Primary, and so on.

The schema of the first data set I have used is screenshot below: education_schema

Data cleaning and planning

What are some issues with my data and how do i plan to solve them?

The first dataset, I have from Google BigQuery has a few issues due to excess fields that I do not need for my project. I took a screenshot from the bottom of my table and highlighted some of the fields that i do not need that also are affecting my data visulisation. For example, the field ‘Low & middle income’will affect visulisation because it will have a much higher value count then an individual country because it is a group.


I plan to fix this problem by dropping the unnecessary fields and consequently making the data easter to read and produce graphs from. In order to do this, I followed a few steps. Firstly I uploaded the dataset to DeepNote in order to apply data cleaning techniques, to do this i used the code

cou_edu = pd.read_csv('Total_pop_edu.csv')
What this has done, is take the data out of the CSV file and convert it into a table within the deepnote. Making the new name name for this dataset: cou_edu

once i had the data uploaded i entered code to find all of the different names within the dataset, this is done using the command word Unique. In order to use this command i had to see what the column header names to tell the deepnote what column to find the unique values in.


The line of code above allows me to see all of the column headers with only one data result, with this information I was able to run the unique formula to establish what country names are in this dataset. It was with this code that I was able to establish that there were 26 groups within this data that I need to get rid of.

Then I had two options.

The first option was to import a list of all registered countries from the internet then merge this list with the dataset above in such way that it would remove all of the non-countries from the dataset.

Option 1

The first option is to import a list of all registed countries from the internet then merge this list with the dataset above, this will then remove all of the non-countries from the dataset above.

Option 2

The second option is to drop the countries that have no 'income group' or 'region'. This in itself can be done in 1 of 2 ways, firstly i can count the number of records that have a nan value in the 'income group' or 'region' fields and drop them.

Or becuase i know that there 26 records that i dont need i can drop the first 26 results from the dataset.

My choisen option

I am going to use Option 1 becuse it is the most accurate way to update the dataset with the corect list of countries as it will update everytime the machine is re-run, it will also help when diffrent datasets are run against it.

What tables do i need to join in order to prove my hypothesis?

Data visualization

What different charts and graphs will i be using?

I wanted to use a plethora of different visualisation techniques including world maps with hover-over data, bar charts, line graphs, etc…. I am going to use both DeepNote and Excel to visualise my data in order to show the skills of both applications, I am going to use the relevant piece of software that is most powerful for the selected data I am analysing. For example when I make a heat map of the world to show the different income categories of each country, I will be using DeepNote with Pandas as it is the easiest way to produce a graph of this detail. When I produce bar or line graphs I will use excel as it is a more powerful software for this usage.

Data Exploration

What does the visulised data show about my chosen topic?


Do these findings support my hypothesis?

Upon completing this project, do i still support my hypothesis?
