T-Mose / AutomatedGrading

For TA:s during the course INDA!
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# Automatic Grader


This repository contains Python scripts for automating the process of cloning, compiling, and running unit tests on student Java repositories. It works with repositories hosted on gits-15.sys.kth.se and reads student IDs from an Excel file. Optionally, it can automatically create GitHub issues based on the results of the compilation and testing. Additionally, the script can provide detailed feedback using GPT analysis.

Overview Graph

Directory Before and After Script Execution

Before Running the Script:

Here is how the directory structure looks before cloning the repositories:

Before Directory

After Running the Script:

After running the script, the cloned repositories and compiled classes appear as follows:

After Directory

Output Files

Output from Running Unit Tests:

The final grading results will look like this in the generated Excel file when both compilation and unit tests are run, if all run arguments are Y:

Excel Results with Unit Tests

New Features and Updates

The script has been enhanced to support additional features:

  1. Optional Unit Tests: You can now choose whether or not to run unit tests.
  2. Automatic GitHub Issue Creation: If a GitHub token is provided, the script will automatically create GitHub issues based on the compilation and test results.
  3. Main Class Detection: The script automatically detects the main Java class in the student's code.
  4. Timeout for Compilation: A timeout mechanism is in place to prevent processes from running indefinitely.
  5. GPT Analysis: The script can generate feedback using GPT based on the student's code and the test results, offering constructive feedback.

Interpreting the Output

When running the script (AutoGrader.py), you will get detailed output about the results of compiling and running the student's code. Here’s how to interpret the different messages you might encounter:

1. Unit Test Passed

2. Unit Test Failed

3. Unit Test Compilation Failed

4. Main Class Not Found

5. Compilation Failed


GitHub Issue Creation


GitHub Personal Access Token (Optional for Issue Creation):

If you wish to enable automatic issue creation, you need to generate a GitHub Personal Access Token (PAT). If you want to extend the capability of the compile and unit tests, also place a GPT API token in the API_TOKENS.env file.

Generate a Token:

  1. Go to https://gits-15.sys.kth.se/settings/tokens.
  2. Generate a new token with the necessary permissions (e.g., repo scope).

Set Up the API_TOKENS.env File:

  1. Copy the example file:

    cp API_TOKENS.env.example API_TOKENS.env
  2. Open API_TOKENS.env and paste your GitHub PAT and GPT API key (if available) into this file.

Security Note:

Do not share this file or add it to version control. The .gitignore file already includes API_TOKENS.env to prevent this.

If enabled, the script can automatically create GitHub issues based on the results:

Make sure to store your GitHub token in a API_TOKENS.env file for automatic issue creation.

GPT Feedback and Token Setup


OpenAI API Key (Required for GPT Feedback):

If you wish to enable GPT-based feedback for student code, you need to obtain an OpenAI API key. This will allow the script to generate constructive feedback automatically based on the compilation and unit test results.

Generate an OpenAI API Key:

  1. Go to the OpenAI API page.
  2. Create a new API key.
  3. Copy the API key for use in the next step.

Set Up the API_TOKENS.env File:

To enable GPT feedback and GitHub issue creation, you need to store both the GitHub Personal Access Token (PAT) and the OpenAI API key in the API_TOKENS.env file.

  1. Copy the example file:

    cp API_TOKENS.env.example API_TOKENS.env
  2. Open the API_TOKENS.env file and paste both your GitHub PAT and the OpenAI API key as follows:


Security Note:

Do not share this file or add it to version control. The .gitignore file already includes API_TOKENS.env to prevent this.

GPT Feedback Process

Once the OpenAI API key is configured, the script can automatically generate feedback for student assignments. Based on the success or failure of compilation and unit tests, GPT will analyze the student’s code and provide constructive suggestions.

Feedback Types:

  1. Pass: When all tests pass, GPT will give feedback on how the student can further improve their code, such as suggestions for better code structure, readability, or optimization.
  2. Test Failure: If unit tests fail, GPT will help diagnose potential issues, offering hints and recommendations without solving the problem for the student.
  3. Compilation Failure: In the case of a compilation error, GPT will provide suggestions to help the student debug their code and identify the error source.

Example of GPT-Generated Feedback:

The feedback generated by GPT is displayed in the form of a GitHub issue (if enabled) or saved to an Excel file for review.

Here’s an example of what a GPT-generated issue looks like:

Cost of Running GPT Feedback

Running GPT feedback for all 16 students on one task costs approximately $0.01, making it a cost-effective way to provide personalized feedback at scale.

Enabling GPT in the Script

To enable GPT feedback when running the script, use the following command:

python AutoGrader.py <task_number> [Y/N] [Y/N] [Y/N]



Make sure you have the following installed:

Important: Place the JAR files (junit-4.13.2.jar and hamcrest-core-1.3.jar) in the same directory as the Python scripts for the compilation and unit testing to work.

How to Use

  1. Prepare the Excel File: The students.xlsx file should have student IDs in the first column.

  2. Set Up the Unit Test: Place the UnitTests.java file in the same directory as the scripts.

  3. Ensure the JAR Files Are in Place: The junit-4.13.2.jar and hamcrest-core-1.3.jar must be in the same directory as the Python scripts.

  4. Run the Script:

    • For unit testing: python AutoGrader.py <task_number> [Y/N] [Y/N] [Y/N]
      • First Y/N: Run unit tests? Default is Y.
      • Second Y/N: Create GitHub issues? Default is N.
      • Third Y/N: Use GPT? Default is N.
    • For compile-only: python AutoGrader.py <task_number> N


    • python AutoGrader.py 2
    • python AutoGrader.py 2 Y Y
    • python AutoGrader.py 2 Y Y Y
  5. View the Results: The script generates an Excel file (grading_results.xlsx) with the compilation and unit test results.

Notes on Unit Tests

This script relies on good unit tests. Ensure that UnitTests.java is up-to-date and aligns with the specific assignment requirements. Keep the tests relevant and clear, and adapt as needed based on the learning objectives for each week.


Created by Theodor Malmgren. GitHub: T-Mose